First Remote Control TV on the Block
Our family had the first remote control TV on the block. It had 2 buttons. -
Dad worked for IBM
My Father worked for IBM and would take us to his office where they would have these computers that took up the whole room. He would proudly hand us Key Punch Cards that I still have absolutely no idea what they were used for. -
The First Family Calculator
I had always seen dad's slide ruler and when he brought home a calculator it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen!! -
Playing the First Video Game Pong
Hearing about the first PC
Fall 1980 they announced the first PC. Dad said there will be a computer in EVERY HOUSE someday. I couldn't believe it. -
First Word Processing program
Last class of college. Last paper. Finally a word processing program. -
First PC
Husband is a programmer so we had a computer at home with AOL. -
Internet (that Al Gore invented) in our home
First Lap top
First I phone
First Family I Pad
Well.. My dad was right little did he know that we would have many computers in each house!!