
Linus Benedict Torvalds

  • Birth

    Dec 28, 1969 Born in Helsinki, Finland to two journalists Anna and Nils Torvalds
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Linus receives his first personal computer a Commodore Vic 20.
  • Enrolls in College

    Enrolls in College
    Linus enrolls in the University of Helsinki and declares computer science as a major.
  • Enlists in the Army

    Enlists in the Army
    Linus leaves his studies at the University of Helsinki to enlist in the Finnish Army.
  • Operating System Announcement

    Linus announces that he is interested in developing a UNIX and MINIX based kernel operating system.
  • Linux 1.0 Released

    Linux 1.0 Released
    The first version of the Linux operating system is released.
  • Masters Degree Completed

    Masters Degree Completed
    Linus completes his Masters in computer science, his thesis was titled “Linux: A Portable Operating System”.
  • Linux Trademark

    Linus is awarded the trademark of Linux, in a law suit against William Croce Jr.
  • Project 86open

    Linus started working on a project called ’86open’, a binary file for the UNIX like operating systems, used to create a common x86 PC.
  • Moves To California

    Moves To California
    Linus moves to Santa Clara, California to work for Transmeta Corporation.
  • Forbes Magazine Cover

    Forbes Magazine Cover
    Linus makes the cover of Forbes Magazine in an article titled “ Peace, Love, and Software.
  • Worlds Top 100 Innovators

    Worlds Top 100 Innovators
    Linus is named in the MIT Technology Review as one of the worlds top 100 innovators under 35.
  • Stock Options

    Linus is offered stock options from RedHat and VA Linux for his efforts in creating Linux which increase his net worth significantly.
  • Autobiography Published

    Autobiography Published
    Linus publishes his autobiography called “Just For Fun”.
  • Open Source Development Labs

    Linus leaves his job at Transmeta Corporation to join the Open Source Development Labs, later known as the Linux Foundation.
  • Git

    Linus writes his own version of the control system called BitKepper and names it Git, which is still very popular today.
  • Linux Foundation

    Linux Foundation
    The Linux Foundation is founded in San Francisco, California, they offer Linus a full time position.
  • US Citizenship

    Linus Torvalds receives legal US citizenship