Girl at computer

Linley's Technology Journey

By Linleym
  • First Exposure to Technology

    First Exposure to Technology
    My mother had an old Royal Typewriter that, at five years old, she sat me in front of and said, "Home keys are ASDF-JKL:, now learn to type". I spent many hours tapping away on that old machine, and it was there, behind that typewriter, that I developed my love of composing literature. (Photo courtesy of Google)
  • An Apple a Day...

    An Apple a Day...
    My dad bought one of the first consumer-available Apple computers in 1984, the Apple Macintosh. I remember playing games, writing stories and drawing pictures with the little machine parked in the guest bedroom. We had a printer, too, an I produced many book reports using our state-of-the-art computer. (Photo courtesy of Google)
  • This is great, but...

    This is great, but...
    ...I'd rather be gaming! During my first college experience I was introduced to online gaming; a program called a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD). It had everything I ever wanted! I could play as a fantasy creature in a fantasy world, and live out the stories I had only read in fantasy novels before. Of course, what I SHOULD have been doing was learning BASIC...
  • It's a whole new World...of Warcraft!

    It's a whole new World...of Warcraft!
    My interest in online gaming only grew, and I started playing Everquest, one of the first Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. In 2004 Blizzard released World of Warcraft, and within months I started playing and was hooked. Fifteen years later, I still play, and I still play the same "toon" (character) I created fifteen years ago. (Image Source: Google)
  • The First Achievement of Many

    The First Achievement of Many
    In January 2014 I was awarded an Associate's Degree by the Board of Governors at Southern WV Community and Technical College. I had attended classes between 1993 and 1995, but after an email exchange with the school's registrar, my records were reviewed and the degree was awarded. Little did I know, this degree would change my life forever. (Image Source: Google)
  • An Education Like No Other

    An Education Like No Other
    In January 2017, after a long search for just the right program, I began studies with the University of Illinois Springfield in their Online Bachelor of Arts in English program. After many late nights, a few tears and a lot of hard work, I graduated Cum Laude in December of 2018. As a high school student in the early '90's such a program of study was a fantasy; because of technology and the Internet, I am now a 4-year college graduate. (Image source: Google)