Linea del tiempo

Linea del tiempo del conocimiento A3* 5

  • 1200

    Roger Bacon he was born the year of 1214 in ilchester and died in oxford in 1294

    Roger Bacon he was born the year of 1214 in ilchester and died in oxford in 1294
    Impulso el renacimiento al promover la separacion entre la ciencia y la religion.
  • Renatus Cartesius he was born on march 31 , 1576 on touraing and died on february 11, 1650

    Renatus Cartesius he was born on march 31 , 1576 on touraing and died on february 11, 1650
    Cordenadas cartesianas
  • Galileo Galilei he was born on february 15 of 1564 in Pisa and died on january 8 of 1642.

    Galileo Galilei he was born on february 15 of 1564 in Pisa and died on january 8 of 1642.
    Creo el metodo cientifico
  • Samuel Thomson born in Staffordshire on September 18 of 1709 and died on December 13 of 1784.

    Samuel Thomson born in Staffordshire on September 18 of 1709 and died on December 13 of 1784.
    Aportaciones a la literatura , Poesia , Ensayos.