
Línea de Tiempo Matthew Castañeda Rodriguez

  • Mi birth

    Mi birth
    I was born in Barranquilla on February 19, 2009
  • Birth of my brother

    Birth of my brother
    My brother Camilo was born in 2013
  • First day at ENSH school

    First day at ENSH school
    I started studies at the ENSH in 2014
  • First goal with my soccer team

    First goal with my soccer team
    That day i played a great game and scored my first goal with Neogranadinos
  • Champion in the La Magdalena tournament

    Champion in the La Magdalena tournament
    The game was very tough but in the end we won 2 to 1 and were crowned champions
  • In The Metropolitan Stadium

    In The Metropolitan Stadium
    With my friends and my brother we went to the stadium and saw a Junior game for the first time
  • Runner-up in Caribe kids

    Runner-up in Caribe kids
    We tried hard to reach the final and even though we played well we lost 3 to 2
  • Caribbean Champions Tournament 2020

    Caribbean Champions Tournament 2020
    In the first game we played with a team from Venezuela, we competed hard and won 3 to 1
  • In My First Guacherna

    In My First Guacherna
    With my parents and my brother we attended the Guacherna parade and we had a great time and happy. there i met my best friend.