8000 BCE
Origin of mathematics First men used marks on bones to be able to count, this Ishango bone represents the origin of accounting, or at least of the rationality of counting that allowed the oldest civilization
Origen de las matemáticas -
3150 BCE
niciacion el sistema Egipcio para escribir numerosos Egipcios desarrollaron un sistema simple para escribir los números naturales, este sistema permaneció hasta el año 31 a. C
1830 BCE
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777, 1855) managed to give an explanation in this century to the concept of complex number and to evolve its use
On the other hand, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier (1768 - 1830) managed to make infinite sums using trigonometry functions. Later they would be recognized as the Fourier series. He also managed to study infinite sets and use an arithmetic of infinite numbers. This led to the creation of Fourier in Cantor's theory and is currently part of the foundations of the sciences of mathematics and recently can be seen applied to turbulence and fluid currents. -
1200 BCE
China Mathematics the first known discoveries of the Chinese people, is the discovery of solar hours. calculation board” that breaks down positive numbers and negative numbers by color and was used in a similar way to the abacus
600 BCE
The Greeks took a step that revolutionized the concept of mathematics and adapted it to today's world. It was the first civilization in which mathematics is structured from definitions, axioms and proofs. -
550 BCE
Los cuatro matemáticos indios que destacaronsobre el resto en aquel momento
. Son Aryabhata (476 - 550 d.C.) , Brahmagupta (598 – 660 d.C.) , Mahavira (s. IX) y Bhaskara Akaria (s.XII). -
495 BCE
Pitágoras de Samos( 580 – 495 a. C avance de la matemática helénica, la geometría y la aritmética
Enseñó que para entender cómo funciona el mundo, hay que estudiar los números y consecuentemente, sus discípulos hicieron descubrimientos decisivos sobre geométrica, que se le reconocieron a Pitacoras -
476 BCE
Los hindú logró una importancia capital en la cultura occidental prerrenacentista con el legado de sus cifras, incluyendo el numeral cero (0)
En los siglos I al VIII es cuando más se desarrollaron las matemáticas hindúes. Se vio reflejada la utilización de sistemas decimales de numeración como el resto de culturas anexas a la suya. Hay cuatro matemáticos indios que destacaron sobre el resto en aquel momento. Son Aryabhata (476 - 550 d.C.) , Brahmagupta (598 – 660 d.C.) , Mahavira (s. IX) y Bhaskara Akaria (s -
400 BCE
.400 B.C. C. first female mathematician invented a hydrometer and created an astrolabe. It is said of her that she led an ascetic life, cultivating the studies of logic and exact sciences.
Hiparia of Alexandria is the first known female mathematician. She was the daughter of Theon of Alexandria, also a mathematician -
370 BCE
Demócrito de Abdera (460 - 370 a. C.)
Descubrió la fórmula para calcular el primer volumen de un cuerpo geométrico. Fue el de una pirámide en el Siglo V a.C. Este descubrimiento, es uno de los primeros avances de reglas matemáticas para el cálculo de volúmenes y supondrá el inicio del cálculo del resto de cuerpos geométricos. -
Arabs also at this time had a considerable mathematical evolution. 14 It is often believed that the numbers known as Arabic numbers are from that geographical area but in reality they are Hindu
Los árabes en esta época estaban en plena expansión conquistando el mundo con la religión musulmana. Llegando así a la península Ibérica y hasta los límites de China. Debido a estas colonizaciones, el pueblo árabe iba adquiriendo la ciencia de los diversos pueblos a los que conquistaba y la hacía suya como tal. El sistema numérico de los hindúes era de un tipo posicional y cada número tiene diferente valor en función de la posición que ocupe. -
Descubrió métodos para resolver raíces cuadradas, cúbicas y de cualquier índice gracias a estas numeraciones. El más conocido de los matemáticos árabes es Mohammed Ibn Musa AlKhwarizmi
Revolucionando el álgebra y sus métodos de cálculo. Se continuaron las investigaciones de Arquímedes acerca de las áreas y de los volúmenes y también se evolucionaron los problemas de óptica. Habas al-Hasib (792-870) y Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi (1201–1274) investigaron y crearon diversos tipos de trigonometrías planas y esféricas Reutilizando la función seno de los indios y el famoso teorema de Menelao de Alejandría -
At this time numbers evolve and complex numbers appear. Gerolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576) discovers a mathematical formula to solve equations of the third and fourth degree. They also encouraged the new search for similar solutions for the equations of higher indices. From here the first investigations on group theory were created in the 18th century. Mathematical symbols evolve during the 16th century and a notation more similar to the current one is created. -
This century appear the concepts of limit and approximation calculations. This was pioneered by a French mathematician named Augustine Louis Cauchy (1789-1857). A very important concept appeared that would be applied in physics and that is the elongation movements of a spring. For this, the concept of function was created, defining it as such. The analysis of these movements was a great step for physics -
Today we have computers to work with and complex calculations are performed by machines, always requiring the mind of a great mathematician to be able to manipulate them in the right direction
he programmable machines of that time were the clockwork calculators of Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, sometimes von Leibniz (1646 - 1716). Later Charles Babbage (1791 - 1871) created a machine that performed mathematical operations by following a list of steps to be followed written on cards or tapes. Later, the relay, the vacuum valve and the transistor were invented and thanks to these inventions large-scale computers could be created. -
Babylon. From the year 3,000 B.C. is that antecedents of the use of mathematics by the Babylonians are recorded. These used a sexagesimal base system, that is, their base is 60