linea de tiempo Andrés Joaquín ramirez ortiz

  • my birth

    my birth
    I was born on December 15, 2007 in Magangué Bolívar in
    Divine Mercy Hospital was a long-awaited moment for my parents, I am the second child of three brothers.
    On April 25, 2008, my parents were murdered in Magangué Bolívar and after that event my mother returned to Barrancabermeja, where she was employed as a teacher in a private institution. After this event in 2010, my mother met my stepfather.
  • my graduation

    my graduation
    My elementary school degree was very important because thanks to my effort and recognition I was able to see my effort and skills and from this I completed another stage of my life, from here I went on to do my baccalaureate at the Camilo Torres Restrepo educational institution
  • my last name changes

    my last name changes
    Another of my happy moments was when I was able to change my last name since when my father died he did not recognize me as his son. After 15 years, after completing paperwork and with a DNA test, I was recognized as Caraballo since my previous last names were from my mother
  • when i met the sea

    Another of my happiest moments was when I made my first trip to Cartagena and Barranquilla, since on these two trips I was able to discover the sea for the first time. I made these two trips during my childhood.
  • my second year

    my second year
    In this year I was very happy since I entered my first year of preschool at the Antonia Santos Educational Institution. My first three years at the José Celestino Mutis Educational Institution, one of my acknowledgments was standing out for being a good student. After completing my The first three years of my primary school I moved to Sabana de Torres where I attended my fourth and fifth year and from that same year I graduated.