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linea de tiempo.. Angela Marcela Ballesteros Quiroga Grado. 10.1

  • This year I was born, Angela Marcela Ballesteros Quiroga on February 8

  • a year I had already been taught to walk (my mom) my first steps

  • to my two years on December 31 was my baptism

  • at three years old I was admitted to my aunt godmother's nursery

  • in the nursery a little girl bit me and I almost pulled the piece

  • in my 5 years was when my dad hit my first spanking for rude

  • it was when I entered the primary school polycarpa salabarrieta

  • we moved to the farms in a house (green)

  • My 8 years old was when my older brother burned me with the clothes iron and it was also when I joined the basketball team

  • I was playing with my friends when I stumbled and hit my head

  • in this year was when I graduated in 5 primary

  • it was when I started high school at the school the camilo torres restrepo

  • my brothers taught me how to ride cycling and skate

  • in this year I retire from basketball because I split my two arms in an accident

  • in this year was when I learned to drive a motorcycle

  • I was 15 years old, it was when I began a stage of my life as a young lady and this is the year that I shared most with my partner natalia cueto which I love as my sister, this year was when my parents accepted my first boyfriend