Apr 23, 1564
Birth of William Shakespere
William,a son of John and Mary Shakespere,was born at this day -
Merried with Anne Hathaway
Birth of Susannah
Birth of William's and Anne's daughter-Susannah -
Birth of Twins
Birth of twins-girl Judith and son-Hamnet -
Went to London
William lefft Anne and children and went to work in London -
"The Comedy of Errors"
William wrote a play "The Comedy of Errors" -
''Romeo and Juliet"
William wrote a play "Romeo and Juliet" -
"As You Like It"
William wrote a play "As You Like It" -
William wrote a play "Hamlet" -
"All’s Well That Ends Well"
William wrote a play "All’s Well That Ends Well" -
William wrote a play "Othello" -
Stopped writing
William stopped writing and went in Stradford -
Death of William Shakespere