Leland Stanford's Bet
Stanford made a bet that says when hourses run all four legs will lift off the floor at some point. -
First Hand-held Box Camera
Image[FIrst Camera](http://<a href='http://http://inventors.about.com/od/estartinventors/ss/George_Eastman.htm)' >Hand-Held Camera</a>
The first hand-held camera made so people can take pictures in more then just in one place -
Black Maria
People can here to see the first short film Fred Ott's Snezze and more short films. -
Kinetoscope Parlor in New York
People can here so they can see short films that they never seen before. -
Frea Ott's Sneeze
[pictue of the sneeze](http://<a href='http://http://www.pictureshowman.com/movies_featuredmovie.cfm)Early 1800's ' >Image</a>
ONe of the first short films ever made. -
Thomas Edison Bulit the Kinetoscope
Edison built this Kinetoscope so it can be easier to film. -
Lumiere Brothers
They creeated the first screeening in Paris for a meetingd. They used a Cinematographe to show the work they did withis a camera and projecter in one. -
A Trip To The Moon
The second short film made by Georges Melies shortly after The Great Train Robbery -
Films Started To Be Rented
People would still films from others so they can make money off other peoples ideas.After 1097the created the idea to rent so no one will copy right pthers ideas so they can make money of it.