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Lina tejeiro

Lina Tejeiro

  • Birth

    • She was born on October 8th 1991.
    • She was born in Villavicencio(Meta)
  • Childhood

    •She began his career at the age of 9, participating in productions such as Unidad Investigative and Expedientes. •In 2003 she played the character of ¨Sammy¨ in the series Padres e hijos, thanks to her participation in the production she gained great recognition in the country.
  • Young-adulthood (Studies)

    Young-adulthood (Studies)
    •She dedicated her live to her acting career
  • Adulthood occupation.

    Adulthood occupation.
    •In 2010 she participed in ¨A corazon Abierto
    •She participe in a film most famous in netflix called ¨Chichipatos¨
    •In 2017 Tejeiro was the winner of the TV Novelas award in the category ¨Best Supporting Actress¨ for the role she played in the RCN Televisión production 'La ley del corazón'.
  • Adulthood (Marital status)

    Adulthood (Marital status)
    •At the age of 16, the actress was the girlfriend of actor Sebastián Vega, the relationship ended three years later.
    •She had a four-year relationship with renowned reggaeton singer Andy Rivera.
  • Death

    •she has not died