Lina Clark Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Lina Clark Civil War Timeline

  • Lincoln Gives his "Cooper Union Address"

    Lincoln Gives his "Cooper Union Address"
    Invited by Henry Ward Beecher to speak at a church in Brooklyn, New York, Lincoln spoke of his political views. His speech included the views of 39 signers of the Constitution.
  • Democratic Convention

    Democratic Convention
    Democrats hold their first convention in Charleston, S.C. The slave state issue was one topic which was heavily focused on at this time.
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    The pony express was a system which allowed mail to be carried on horseback between Missouri and California. This system became useless when the telegraph was invented and completed.
  • Lincoln Nominated for President

    Lincoln Nominated for President
    Abraham Lincoln is nominated for president by the Republican party in 1860. Lincoln ran against Stephen Douglas, John Breckenridge, and John Bell.
  • Douglas & Breckinridge are Nominated for President

    Douglas & Breckinridge are Nominated for President
    National Democrats seize control of the Baltimore Democratic convention, nominating Stephen A. Douglas. Later in the month, Breckenridge is nominated by southern right holders.
  • Georgia Prepares for War

    Georgia Prepares for War
    With the prevalence of an oncoming war, states begin to prepare themselves financially and mentally. Georgia legislature appropriates $1,000,000 to arm the state.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln is elected the thirteenth president of the United States. Lincoln becomes one of the first presidents to openly oppose slavery.
  • Southern States Consider becoming an Independent Nation

    Southern States Consider becoming an Independent Nation
    Before the first state left the union, southern states bonded and met together to discuss officially leaving the union. Georgia calls for a convention of Southern states to form an independent nation.
  • Secession becomes a Threat

    Secession becomes a Threat
    The first Secession Convention meets in Columbia, South Carolina. Shortly following this meeting, South Carolina becomes the first state to leave the union.
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union
    On December 20, 1860 South Carolina becomes the first state to seceded from the union. President Lincoln's views on slavery were beginning to cause conflicts between south and north states and causing states to consider seceding.
  • Southern Succession Continues

    Southern Succession Continues
    Mississippi becomes the second state to secede less than a month following South Carolina. Florida and Alabama follow closely behind Florida, each seceding a day after one another.
  • Kansas Admitted as a State

    Kansas Admitted as a State
    Kansas is admitted as the 34th state. Kansas was admitted as a free slave which caused conflict among pro and anti slavery forces.
  • The Confederate States of America are Formed

    The Confederate States of America are Formed
    After the secession of six southern states, the Confederate States of America are formed. Jefferson Davis becomes the first and last Confederate president of the CSA.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Although no deaths occurred, the aggression shown at Fort Sumter led to be known as the first unofficial battle of the Civil War. 4,000 rounds were fired but no one died.
  • Lee Rejects Lincoln's Request

    Lee Rejects Lincoln's Request
    Although he did later become a successful general in the Civil War, Robert E. Lee, rejected President Lincoln's request to command the Union army. Lee sided with the Southern territories.
  • Harper Ferry Burns

    Harper Ferry Burns
    Union troops burn the U.S. Arsenal at Harpers Ferry to to prevent valuable supplies from falling into confederate hands. The Confederates are nonetheless able to seize valuable military supplies at Harpers Ferry
  • Lincoln Issues a Proclamation of Blockade

    Lincoln Issues a Proclamation of Blockade
    Abraham Lincoln issues a Proclamation of Blockade against Southern ports. The blockade limits prevented the south from receiving supplied thus helping the North.
  • Call for Union Volunteers

    Call for Union Volunteers
    Lincoln calls for volunteers to join the Union army. The volunteers were asked to serve for a three-year term.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Bull Run becomes the first official battle of the Civil War. This battle ended with a Confederate victory and unorganized Union retreat.
  • McClellan Appointed Commander

    McClellan Appointed Commander
    Abraham Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as the Commander of the Department of the Potomac. McClellan replaces McDowell.
  • Battle of Fort Henry

    Battle of Fort Henry
    The Battle of Fort Henry was fought in western Tennessee which brought a union victory. Ulysses S. Grant lead the union army in this battle helping secure the victory.
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Battle of Fort Donelson
    The Battle of Fort Donelson was a five day battle fought on the Cumberland River. This battle was also lead by union general Ulysses S Grant and was won by the union.
  • McClellan Attempts to take the Capital

    McClellan Attempts to take the Capital
    In hopes of capturing the Southern capital, George McClellan moves his troops to Richmond. This move takes three weeks until all men arrive at Fortress Monroe on the Virginia coast.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh was fought in Tennessee by union general Ulysses S Grant confederate general Robert E. Lee. Although both sides suffered major losses, Lee retreats causing a Union victory.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Navy general David Farragut leads his men down the Mississippi River in hopes of taking New Orleans. Farragut later takes the New Orleans which is the south's largest sea port.
  • Seven Day's Battle

    Seven Day's Battle
    The seven days battle begins. Robert E. Lee attacks McClellan in Richmond, Virginia. Both armies suffer but McClellan later retreats.
  • Seven Day's Battle Ends

    Seven Day's Battle Ends
    After seven day's of violent fighting the battle finally comes to an end. McClellan retreats at the end of this war keeping confederate hopes up.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    A second battle of Bull Run breaks out in Manassas, Virginia. This battle had 25,251 casualties.
  • Lincoln Suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus

    Lincoln Suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus
    President Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus. The writ of habeas corpus was suspended for individuals deemed guilty of discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting to join the draft, practicing disloyal actions towards rebels.
  • Exempting Slave Owners

    Exempting Slave Owners
    Confederate Congress dismisses anyone owning over 20 slaves from fighting in the war. This law became known as the Twenty-Slave Law.
  • Lincoln Issues Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln Issues Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. This freed all slaves in Confederate territories and encouraged black soldiers to enlist in the union army.
  • Lincoln Appoints a New Commander

    Lincoln Appoints a New Commander
    Lincoln appoints General Joseph Hooker as the new Commander of the Army of the Potomac. Hooker replaced Burnside and had a nickname of “Fighting Joe”.
  • Draft Issued

    Draft Issued
    Congress issues a draft affecting men aged 20-45. Although it exempted people who pay three hundred dollars or provide a substitute. Every man's blood for his country was considered important; even the poor.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    The Battle of Chancellorsville takes place in Virginia. The union army is led by General Hooker and the confederates by General Lee. As a result of a lack of nerve from Hooker, the Union retreats.
  • Death of Jackson

    Death of Jackson
    Shot accidentally by his own men, Stonewall Jackson dies. The confederates suffer a great loss as a result of the death of one of their greatest Generals.
  • Another Commander Replaced

    Another Commander Replaced
    Lincoln replaced the commander of the Army for the fifth time in less than a year. George G. Meade replaced Hooker as the commander of the Army of the Potomac.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg, a three day battle, breaks out in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This battle was considered the turning point of the war as the confederates were defeated.
  • Vicksburg Surrenders to Grant

    Vicksburg Surrenders to Grant
    After a two month siege, the city of Vicksburg is surrendered to US Grant. The Union continues to have important victories improving their outcome of the war.
  • Riots over the Current Drafts

    Riots over the Current Drafts
    Riots break out in New York City over the current drafts. Black citizens were murdered and fires were set in the city adding up to 120 people dead and two million dollars in damage.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Lincoln delivers a two minute long Gettysburg Address. This speech took place to dedicate a ceremony for all of the men lost in the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln used this speech to unify the fallen northern and southern soldiers.
  • Grant Appointed Commander of Union Army

    Grant Appointed Commander of Union Army
    Lincoln appoints Ulysses S. Grant to command all of the Union army and all of the armies of the US. William T. Sherman later takes this position from Grant in the west.
  • Battle of Wilderness and Spotsylvania

    Battle of Wilderness and Spotsylvania
    The Battle of Wilderness and Spotsylvania in Virginia breaks out which was located on rough and bumpy terrain. This battle resulted in 54,000 casualties.
  • Fremont Nominated

    Fremont Nominated
    Radical Republicans meet in Cleveland Ohio and nominate John Charles Fremont as their own presidential candidate. Fremont became the first candidate of the anti-slavery Republican Party for president.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    The Battle of Cold Harbor was a three day battle which took place in Virginia. This was a very brutal confrontation which led to about 7,000 union casualties.
  • Lincoln Nominated for Second Term

    Lincoln Nominated for Second Term
    Lincoln nominated for his second term by the Union Party. Andrew Johnson is nominated for vice president.
  • Battle of Tupelo

    Battle of Tupelo
    General Bedford attempts to stop Sherman’s march towards Atlanta, Georgia. Bedford and Sherman engage in Mississippi. Later, Sherman takes Atlanta.
  • McClellan Nominated for President

    McClellan Nominated for President
    Once a general of Abraham Lincoln, George McClellan is nominated as the democratic candidate for president. McClellan later received only 21 electoral votes compared to Lincoln’s 212.
  • Lincoln Reelected

    Lincoln Reelected
    Abraham Lincoln is reelected to his second term of presidency. Lincoln runs against his former general of the Potomac, George McClellan although beating him with a 55% popular vote.
  • Battle of Nashville

    Battle of Nashville
    In the Battle of Nashville, the confederate army was nearly destroyed when General George Thomas attacked rebel trenches. This was a two day battle which took place in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Savannah Captured

    Savannah Captured
    George Tecumseh Sherman captures Savannah, Georgia. Sherman led about 60,000 union soldiers on a 285 mile march to to persuade civilians to abandon the confederate cause.
  • Enlisting of Slaves

    Enlisting of Slaves
    Suffering great losses of members of their army, the Confederacy finally authorizes the arming of slaves into their army. These slaves were not treated the same as white soldiers.
  • Battle of Petersburg

    Battle of Petersburg
    The Battle of Petersburg takes place in Virginia leading up to 17,000 casualties. This was one of the last battles between the Union and Confederate Armies.
  • Five Forks

    Five Forks
    General Philip Sheridan defeats General George Pickett. With the defeat of Pickett, Virginia cuts the railroad supply line to Confederate troops.
  • Lee Shows Weakness

    Lee Shows Weakness
    General Grant attacks Petersburg and forces Robert E. Lee to evacuate. This is the first step of the defeat of the confederate army.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    General Robert E. Lee surrenders his army to Ulysses S. Grant. This surrender takes place at Appomattox Court House, ending the Civil War.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated in Ford’s Theatre, Washington D.C. Lincoln was shot from behind by John Wilkes Booth during a play.
  • Remaining Confederate Troops Surrender

    Remaining Confederate Troops Surrender
    The remaining Confederate troops surrender to the Union army. The Nation is reunited through the end of the long and treacherous civil war.
  • Lincoln Laid to Rest

    Lincoln Laid to Rest
    Abraham Lincoln is laid to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetery. After a long war, President Lincoln is not able to see the outcome or even the 13th amendment become ratified.
  • Confederate Ship Seizes American Whaling Ships

    Confederate Ship Seizes American Whaling Ships
    As the final offensive act of the Civil War, a confederate ship seizes 11 American whaling ships. Even when the war was over, confederates made an effort to continue to start conflict.
  • Thirteenth Amendment put into Effect

    Thirteenth Amendment put into Effect
    The thirteenth amendment is put into effect. After eight years, Lincoln’s goal of abolishing slavery is finally met.
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Civil Rights Act Passed
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 is passed by Congress. This Act is the first federal law to protect the rights of African Americans.
  • Johnson Vetos Civil Rights Act

    Johnson Vetos Civil Rights Act
    Andrew Johnson vetos the civil rights act. His reasoning was that the act was unconstitutional. Congress later overrides this veto thus passing the bill.
  • State of Peace Declared

    State of Peace Declared
    To further unite the Union, the U.S. declares that a state of peace exists with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. This is the first step to bringing these states back into the union.
  • Grand Army of the Republic Forms

    Grand Army of the Republic Forms
    The Grand Army of the Republic forms in Illinois. The republic begins the celebration of memorial day in the north.
  • Cholera Epidemic

    Cholera Epidemic
    A cholera epidemic begins in New York. An infected passenger arrives in New York causing a quick spread of this sickness.
  • Tennessee is Readmitted into the Union

    Tennessee is Readmitted into the Union
    Tennessee becomes the first state to be readmitted into the Union. This action by Tennessee leads all states to follow in this path.
  • General of the Armies

    General of the Armies
    Congress establishes a “general of the armies”. Ulysses S. Grant is promoted to 4-star general while Sherman takes the rank of Lt. General.
  • Proclamation of Peace

    Proclamation of Peace
    As some states were not as peaceful as others, Andrew Johnson issues proclamations of peace. In August 20, 1866, Johnson issues a proclamation of peace with Texas.
  • Civil War Ships Caught in Flames

    Civil War Ships Caught in Flames
    A fire in Philadelphia accidentally destroys a number of ships used during the Civil War. This fire took place in a shipyard and destroyed numerous historic ships.
  • South Carolina Rejects 14th Amendment

    South Carolina Rejects 14th Amendment
    South Carolina rejects the 14th Amendment. South Carolina rejects this amendment on the 6th year anniversary of secession.
  • World's Longest Suspension Bridge

    World's Longest Suspension Bridge
    The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge opens between Cincinnati, Ohio and Covington, Kentucky. This bridge becomes the longest suspension bridge in the world.
  • Black Men Vote in DC

    Black Men Vote in DC
    African American males are the right to vote in Washington D.C. Congress overrides Johnson’s veto to give African Americans this right.
  • Virginia Rejects 14th Amendment

    Virginia Rejects 14th Amendment
    After Kentucky, Virginia rejects the fourteenth Amendment. A day later, New York ratifies the Fourteenth Amendment
  • First Reconstruction Act

    First Reconstruction Act
    Congress passes the first Reconstruction Act. The former Confederacy is divided into five military districts under the direction of military officers, who are supported by federal troops.
  • Sheridan Commands the Fifth Military District

    Sheridan Commands the Fifth Military District
    General Sheridan takes command of the fifth military district. This district ecompasses Louisiana and Texas. Sheridan designates New Orleans as his headquarters.
  • Second Reconstruction Act

    Second Reconstruction Act
    Congress passes the Second Reconstruction Act; military commanders in each southern district are to register all qualified adult males to vote.
  • The U.S Purchases Alaska

    The U.S Purchases Alaska
    Alaska is purchased from Alexander ll of Russia by William H. Seward the current secretary of state. This state costed the U.S 7.2 million dollars and was thought of as a foolish purchase and names “seward’s folly”.
  • Purchase of Alaska Announced

    Purchase of Alaska Announced
    Although purchased a few months earlier, President Johnson announces the purchase of Alaska. This purchase took place in March for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Third Reconstruction Act

    Third Reconstruction Act
    Congress enacts the third Reconstruction Act. It affirms the authority of the military district commanders to remove state officials from office.
  • Stock Tickers Invented

    Stock Tickers Invented
    Stock tickers are introduced at the New York Stock Exchange. A stock ticker provided the first mechanical way to convey stock prices.