Lily Ussmann American Revolution Battles

  • Period: to

    American Revolution Battles

    American Revolution Battles
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle that took place in the American Revolution. This took place between the loyalists and colonists due to the British authority over the thirteen colonies.
  • The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga

    The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
    Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold led less then 100 of their militiamen across Lake Champlain at dawn. This was a surprise attack on the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga.
  • The Battle of Chelsea Creek

    The Battle of Chelsea Creek
    The Battle of Chelsea Creek was the first naval engagement and second war that took place in the American Revolution. The American colonists ended in a victory. This battle took place in Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought in Charleston, Massachusetts during the Siege of Boston. The British defeated the American Colonists. Although they ended in defeat, the colonists inflicted a mass number of casualties onto the British army. The colonists gained a boost of confidence towards the rest of the American Revolution.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    The Battle of Quebec was fought between the American Colonists and the British Defenders of Quebec City. This battle resulted in a tragic defeat for the American Colonists who experienced a mass loss of their army.
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    The Battle of Long Island, also known as the battle of Brooklyn Heights, was fought in Long Island, New York. The Americans gained a Victory over the British. In addition, they gained control of New York.
  • The Battle of White Plains

    The Battle of White Plains
    The Battle of White Plains occurred when Washington marched his troops into Westchester than set up his lines in White Plains. Howe proceeded by advancing his army in two columns towards the colonists position. As Washington moved his men north, Howe withdrew his friends to Manhattan, New York and prepared to attack Fort Washington.
  • The Battle of Fort Washington

    The Battle of Fort Washington
    The Battle of Fort Washington was fought in Washington Heights, Manhattan which is located in New York. The British ended in a victory against the Americans. The British gained the remaining garrison of Fort Washington near the northern end of the island of Manhattan.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    The Battle of Trenton took place in Trenton, New Jersey on the day of December 26, 1776. Washingtons army defeated the Hessian Mercenaries while crossing the Delaware River. The American army ended with a victory.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    The Battle of Princeton was fought in Princeton, New Jersey. Washington army marched north from Trenton and attacked a British force in the south area of Princeton. The Americans ended with a victory. This battle was important because the British lost control of New Jersey and retreated to New York after the battle of Trenton and Princeton ended in their defeat.
  • The Battle of Oriskany

    The Battle of Oriskany
    The Battle of Oriskany took place in Oriskany, New York. This was between British troops and American defenders of Mohawk Valley. The battle resulted in many casualties on both sides. The British ended with the victory over the Americans.
  • The Battle of Bennington

    The Battle of Bennington
    The Battle of Bennington took place in Bennington, New York. General John Stark and the American forces defeated two detachments of General John Burgoynes invading army's.
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    The Battle of Brandywine
    The Battle of Brandywine, also known as The Battle of Brandywine Creek, was fought near Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania.This battle ended in victory for the British who drove Washington's army into Philadelphia.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Freemans Farm)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Freemans Farm)
    The Battle of Saratoga Freemans Farm was fought in Saratoga County, New York. This was the first of the two Battles of Saratoga which took place eighteen days apart. Burgoyne moved his army while attempting to flank the American positions on Bemis Heights. Burgoyne gained control of Freemans Farm but faced many casualties.
  • The Battle of Germantown

    The Battle of Germantown
    The Battle of Germantown took place in Germantown, Philadelphia which is located in Pennsylvania. The British ended in a victory.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)
    The second Battle of Saratoga occurred at Bemis Heights, New York. The British surrendered to the American forces. This was a turning point in the Revolutionary War because the British and Hessian troops surrendered their arms.
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The Battle of Monmouth
    The Battle of Monmouth took place in Monmouth, New Jersey. Sir Henry Clinton, the new British commander, was in path from Philadelphia to New York. As Clinton led the British army through New Jersey, Washington attacked the army. The Continental army ended in victory.
  • The Capture of Savannah

    The Capture of Savannah
    The Capture of Savannah occurred in Savannah, Georgia. The British Expeditionary Corps, who were lead by Lieutenant Campbell, captured Savannah
  • The Siege of Charleston

    The Siege of Charleston
    The Battle of Charleston occurred in Charleston, South Carolina. The British and American forces battled for who gained control of the land. The British ended in a victory.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Battle of Camden
    The Battle of Camden occurred north of Camden, South Carolina. Continental General Gates engaged on British Genera Cornwallis´s army. The British ended in major victory.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    The Battle of King's Mountain
    The Battle of King's Mountain occurred near Blackburn, SC and King's Mountain, NC. This battle was between the Patriot and Loyalist militias. This resulted in a decisive victory among the Patriots.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    The Battle of Cowpens
    The Battle of Cowpens occurred in Cowpens, South Carolina. The American troops were lead by general Daniel Morgan and the British were lead by Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton. The Americans ended in victory. This was the turning pint of the Revolutionary War in the southern colonies because the British retreated and the Americans believed they could win the war.
  • The Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
    he Battle of Guilford Courthouse occurred in Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina. The British troops who were lead by Cornwallis resulted in a tactical victory but they experienced a high number of casualties. This forced the Americans to retreat.
  • The Battle of Eutaw Springs

    The Battle of Eutaw Springs
    The Battle of Eutaw Springs took place near present-day Eutawville, South Carolina. This was the last major engagement that the war took in the Carolinas. The partial victory of the Continental army claimed their near complete control of the southern section of the country.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown took place in Yorktown, Virginia. Washington's army trapped the British at Yorktown which lead to Cornwallis´s surrender to George Washington and the French. This was the end of the revolutionary war. As a result, the Treaty of Paris was signed.