Julie's Life

By rebel2
  • Feeding Rufus

    3 year old Julie is helping her mom with some evening chores, she is given the task of feeding the family dog Rufus. She successfully fills the scooper cup with dog kibble and transfers it to Rufus' bowl independently. In Erikson's 3rd stage, initiative vs. guilt Julie's ability to complete simple tasks without her mothers help reinforces initiative, if she had needed help, she would feel guilty for not completing her task.
  • Graduation Plans

    Julie (now 20) is about to graduate college, she will have a degree in buisiness but thinks about going back home to help on the farm while she figures things out. Her boyfriend however, has big plans to move across the country after graduation. Julie is having a hard time deciding what she wants to do. In Erikson's 5th stage, identity vs. role confusion, Julie is struggling with her own identity and how she fits into the world as an adult.
  • Veggies for All

    Julie (45) is Vice President of a non-profit she started with a good friend that delivers fresh vegetables to under-funded schools that lack healthy lunch options. She is proud of her work and loves going home to her husband and 2 sons, aged 10 and 12. The non-profit was a long time in the making and Julie finally feels her hard work is paying off. In Erikson's 7th stage, generativity vs. stagnation, Julie is feeling passionate and proud about her work and her contribution to society.