Arc Lamp
Scientists have been working on a bulb for many years. A man named Davy, he created a lamp using volts from a battery, which produced a light 1000 times gretaer than a candel.
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Light Bulb
James Bowen Lindsay was the first organic organism to contain an electric pulse in a glass container. He proudly showed off his un-reliable at this time.
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Light up the night
Using Davy's Arc Lamp, Paris set a new record. It became the first city to use electric street lamps.
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The Geissler Tube
Heinrich Geissler, a glassblower by trade, created a special tube to use with electricity. It could contain an electric charge, and it would pave the way for neon and other types of lighting.
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Thomas Edison's Designs
Thomas Edison devoted his adult life to working with electricity. He patented a lamp in 1879, then a 16-watt light bulb in 1880.
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Nikola Tesla
Mr. Tesla had worked closely with Thomas Edison before branching out on his own. He worked on creating a wireless electrical lamp.
History of the Light bulb Timeline