Lifespan Timeline

  • Period: to

    First 2 Years

  • My cousin David is born who would be a primary playmate of mines for years to come.

  • Learn to walk

  • First words

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    Early Childhood

  • My little sister, Kiara, is born

  • Started kindergarten. Was in the same class as my cousin David. A mistake they soon realized and didn't repeat our remaining 3 yrs at the same school :-)

  • Learn to ride a bike without training wheels

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    Middle Childhood

  • I developed asthma after recklessly playing in a cold basement with wet clothes on

  • I joined my first sports team, a Tee-Ball team

  • Won a class spelling bee

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  • Joined a summer program that focused on recruiting high school students for osteopathic medicine

  • Realized I had finally passed my father in height

  • My mother passed away

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    Emerging Adulthood

  • Gained an interest in weight lifting

  • Experience my first real break up and broken heart

  • Graduated from Michigan State University

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  • Grandmother starts to entrust me with more responsibility as far as taking care of personal matters for her

  • Notice some hair thinning :-(

  • Went back to school

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    Late Adulthood

  • Spend as much time with my grandchildren as I can

  • Require the use of eye glasses full time

  • Volunteer to stay mentally active in retirement years

  • Death