Lifespan Development Timeline Monteiro

  • Margo decides to get a job at the local diner

    Margo decides to get a job at the local diner
    Margo goes against her parents wishes to focus on school and her extracurricular activities and get a job as a waitress at a local diner. In Erikson's fifth stage Identity vs Role Confusion the crisis is between Margo finding independence and self-worth in working and earning her own money (identity) and Margo listening to her parents and focusing on school even though she does not know why she is working so hard to get good grades except to please her parents.(role confusion)
  • Margo gets married to Mark

    Margo gets married to Mark
    Margo decides to marry Mark (age 27) they have decided to share their life together and raise a family. In Erikson's sixth stage Intimacy vs Isolation the crisis is becoming involved in a committed long term relationship with another outside of immediate family (intimacy) vs being alone or not committed to any other person besides yourself.
  • Margo joins the Peace Corps

    Margo joins the Peace Corps
    Margo (age 40) decides to join the Peace Corps and move to a village in Chile where she will help with the education of the local children. Without a child of her own Margo wants to leave her mark in the world by giving back through education. In Erikson's 7th stage Generativety vs Stagnation the crisis is between giving back to community (Generativety) vs. the feeling of unproductivity and a shallow involvement in the world.