3rd Birthday
Hanna turns 3 on November 12th, 1999. At this age, she is learning that she is capable of many things that she never knew she could do, such as picking out and putting on clothes, along with other activities that she had always had help with in the past. This time in life corresponds with the second stage in Erikson's psychosocial stages of development: Anatomy vs. Shame and Doubt. The crisis now is that her parents should allow her to explore her abilities and intervene only if necessary. -
10th birthday
Hanna turns 10 on this day, and she has developed an enormous amount since her 3rd birthday, both physically and mentally. The skills that she is learning in school from her teachers and at home from her parents are becoming more specific. For example, she has recently learned how to play the piano and read more advanced music. This happens during Erikson's fourth stage of psychosocial development: Industry vs. Inferiority, where the crisis is between learning and doubting her abilities. -
18th Birthday
Hanna is now 18 and has recently graduated highschool. This is during Erikson's fifth stage of psychosocial development: Identity vs. Role Confusion, where the central crisis is Hanna trying to create her own identity, which can be very difficult and confusing. She is moving into the "real world" of college, jobs, and more responsibility than she has ever had before. -
100th Birthday
Hanna is 100 years old now, and she reflects back on her life. She is in Erikson's 8th and final stage of psychosocial development: Ego Integrity vs. Despair. The crisis at this stage is between feeling satisfied with her life and how she lived and wishing that she could go back and change things for the better. However, she looks at her life with gratefulness and doesn't experience any regrets. She recieved a wonderful education and worked hard throughout her life.