Initial Analysis(2017):
A subset of the BRFSS data, specifically for Alabama, was extracted and analyzed to investigate if a lack of medical care posed a problem in the state and why. This subset included a sampling of columns surveyed as risks for heart disease and related conditions. -
Data Collection (2017):
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) conducted health-related telephone surveys across the United States, including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and three U.S. territories. The survey gathered data on health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and the use of preventive services. Over 400,000 adult interviews were completed. The data was stored in CSV format on a secure hard drive in a locked room. -
Data Transfer to a New SQL Database (Early 2018):
During the client’s business expansion, the organization received funding to implement an SQL database for better data management and analysis. The IT system administrator physically transferred the data set and accompanying codebook to the new location using a flash drive. The data was then imported into the SQL database. -
Current Analysis(2018):
The new data analyst re-reviewed the master dataset to identify the top three health concerns the new facility should focus on. They flagged the data loss issue and requested assistance to identify and address the missing information. -
Data Migration Issues Discovered (June 2018):
After hiring a new data analyst, the organization discovered issues with the data migration process. Characters in the original CSV file were unreadable by the SQL database, resulting in incomplete data importation. Some rows of data were lost, and the imported data quantity did not match the original dataset.