Life Timeline

  • Birth

    On July 11, 2001 I was born in an important social institution which was Oakville hospital.
  • First Tooth

    At 4 months I got my first tooth in.
  • First Words

    My first words that I spoke was when I was 9-10 months old.
  • First Steps

    When I was one year old I took my first steps.
  • First sister

    On July 30th 2003 my sister Emily was born at Joseph brant hospital health institution.
  • Extracurricular Activity

    In September of 2003 I joined Dancemakerz and did recreational dance at 2 years old.
  • Second Sister

    On January 12th 2005 my sister Sophie was born at Joseph brant hospital health institution.
  • First Day of School

    On September 7th 2005 was my very first day of junior kindergarten at our lady of mount Carmel. OLMC is an important education institution.
  • First Competitive Solo

    In September of 2006 I started my first competitive jazz solo called "I'm cute" at 5 years old. This was a very big transition for me.
  • Moving Schools

    in November 2006 I started my first day of school at Guardian Angles Catholic Elementary School. This is another religious education institution.
  • Moving houses

    in December of 2006 we moved houses closer to my new school.
  • Baptism

    In April of 2007 I was baptized at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church. this is a huge step in the religious catholic institution.
  • Grade 1

    In September of 2007 I moved from junior kindergarten to grade 1.
  • Grade 2

    In September of 2008 I moved from grade 1 into grade 2.
  • First Communion

    In May of 2009 I had my first communion at the Catholic Church.
  • Grade 3

    In September of 2009 I moved from grade 2 into grade 3. this was a big change because at this age we start taking responsibility for our actions. we needed to reflect on our role set, social norms and roles.
  • Grade 4

    In September of 2010 I moved from grade 3 to grade 4.
  • Grade 5

    In September of 2011 I moved from grade 4 into grade 5.
  • Ballet School

    I had now been dancing for 9 years and had been doing very well. my ballet teacher suggests I try out for the national ballet school of Toronto which is a very big deal to get into. in November of 2011 I tried out.
  • Acceptance

    In February of 2012 I received my acceptance to NBS Toronto for the summer of 2012.
  • Attending

    In July of 2012 I attended the NBS of Toronto. this was a major life event for me because we trained hard everyday and it taught me real hard work and motivation. this made me better not only in dance but In life overall.
  • Full Time Acceptance

    After I attended NBS for the summer I was offered to come back full time for the years to come. this was role conflict for me because everyone at dance wanted me to attend but I wasn't so sure I wanted to because I did not ant to be living in Toronto for so long at such a young age. I declined the offer
  • Grade 6

    In September of 2012 I moved from grade 5 into grade 6.
  • Grade 7

    In September of 2013 I moved from grade 6 to grade 7. girls started to wear makeup which became a social norm. I was not yet allowed so I felt left out.
  • Confirmation

    In November of 2013 we had the choice to complete confirmation. confirmation is a ceremony that binds you with the religion and commits you to follow through with religious promises. my parents gave my the choice an I chose not to complete confirmation because I was not fully devoted to the religion.
  • Grade 8

    In September of 2014 I moved from grade 7 into grade 8. I started to follow the social norm of wearing makeup.
  • Graduation

    In June 2015 I graduated elementary school. I was awarded the Kiwanis salt of the earth. this award was meant for someone who was kind, helpful and including to all. I felt this was my social role throughout elementary school so I always tried my best to be kind to everyone.
  • High School/Grade 9

    In September 2015 I began grade 9 at Waterdown district high school. it was a giant transition from elementary school but I did adapt to it over a couple months.
  • First boyfriend

    In grade 9 I started dating a boy a year older than me. this gave me a role to be a good friend and girlfriend. we dated for a year and a half then broke up.
  • Grade 10

    In September of 2016 I moved from grade 9 to grade 10. at this point I was used to high school.
  • Sweet 16

    On July 11 2017 I turned 16. this is a big social norm for girls having a sweet 16. on this day I also got my G1 licence.
  • Grade 11

    On September 2017 I moved from grade 10 to grade 11.
  • G2 License

    On march 2018 I got my G2 license.
  • Grade 12

    On September 2018 I moved from grade 11 to grade 12.
  • Current boyfriend

    On December of 2018 I started dating my current boyfriend. this relationship has taught me what a relationship should be.