0-3 years Physical Development
In this stage of physical development, motor control developes from the head, down through the arms and the trunk and then to the legs and feet. Babies lift their head and chest up. Around 6 months they start to sit without support. Then, they start to standup with support around 8 months. They start walking with support at 9.2 months. The start to take 2 to 3 steps alone around 12 months. Between the age of 2 and 3 their balance start to improve. Progress to jump and climb. -
0-3 year Social Development
Babies are exposed largely to family members and relative (they are their first "freinds") receiving unconditional love and acceptance. Then they get introduced to other babies/children in Nursery (they are their second "friend". They start becoming more interactive and engaging eachoyther in simple conversation. -
0-3 years Intelluctual Development
Babies start to be able to ollow the moving object. Smile, squeal and gurgle when mother speak. They start to know their name and understand the concept of "no". Start to learn few simple words. Start to learn about the different parts of the body. Understan and obey simple request. Will be able to draw vertical and horizontal lines. -
0-3 years Emotional Developoment
Babies are typically quiet and they cry when they are: hungry, wet,hot,cold,lonely or fear. They start to smile when they see familiar faces; expressing happiness. As they grow they start ton show their frustuation and anger.They also start toexpress emotions that relate to the feelings that others are experiencing. e.g. when a sivling cries they start crying too:showing their empathy. -
Period: to
Life Span Development
4-9 years Physical Development
They start to experience a growth spurt. They also start to develop their eye-to-hand co-ordination. By 7 years old they will be able to ride a bike, tie their shoes, change their clothes. -
4-9 years Emotional Development
They start to show concerns and sympathy. They are emotionally attached and depend on the adult that care for them. Loves adventure and anything new.The start to get jealous of the other children. -
4-9 yeas Social Development
They start to play and interact with other children more. Understand social problem solving. They start to choose their own friend. Prefer to play in group than alone. -
4-9 years Intellectual Development
First expereice of education. They will start to talk in adult grammer. By the time they are 5 years old, they speak about 2,000 words. Start to know how long something takes. They start to ask more questions thanbefore. They also start to argue with parents when they are told what to do. -
10-18 years Physical Development
Their balance, speed, co-oerdination and agilty improves. Start to show puberty e.g. increased sweating, hair growth under arms and genital areas. Voice starts to change. Be able to do complex household task e.g. cooking and doing laundry. -
10-18 years Intellectual Development
They go to primary, secondary, college and university. They start to get job. Their memory gets better. They start to understand more about time. They can proofread their work for spelling and grammer. They also start to read newspapers and magazines. They start to use logic in argument and they can make their own decision. -
10-18 years Emotional and Social Development
They start to become moody and negative. Start to show anger e.g. swearing, slamming doors. Their mood swings a lot mainly due to puberty. They start to show interest on opposite sex. Start to spend more time with freinds than family. They strat to listen, belive and trust their friend than their parents. They can also get involve in bad things like smoking, taking drugs. Parents are more worried about them at this stage. -
19-65 years Physical Development
They will stop growing and start to shrink slowly as theyget older. They will get weaker and weaker. Their metabolism starts t oslow down. They will start to get wrinkly. Hair stats to grow grey and fall off. Hearing and eysight start to get waek. More medical problems. -
19-65 years Intellectual, Emotional and Social Development
They start to work that means your friends will be your colleagues. Get married, make families. Financial problem, learn to cope with emotional situation. To be able to handle more responsibilities. They might not socialise as much as when you were younger. They will be more wiser. They will start to sorround with more problems such as, divorce, buying houses, deaths etc. -
65+ years Physical and Intellectual Development
They start to be completly weak mostly on their joints e.g. unable to stand up, sit sown or walk/run etc. Their eye sight will get worser. They will hardly hear things. Their teeth start to fall off. Their immune system will start to break therefore they will easily get disease. It will be really hard for them to retain information.They will not be able to say something properly. They will start to lose their memory anb be in position to be on wheel chair or in hospital/carehome. -
65+ years Social and Emotional Development
They will retire from their job.They start to get involved and spend more time with colse family and friends. They will start to go to care home or hirea private nurse because they are unable to take care of them selvevs. They will have travel and technology problem. They start to feel burdens over their family. They start to feel sad because they are at the stage of leaing their loved ones (family and friends). -
Final stages of life
During the final stage of life the system inside the body starts to slow down like nerve, brain,heart. the person's arms, hands and leg start to feel cool when touched. their breathing pattern start to change. The person start to spend most of the time sleeping and not communicating. the person starts to feel really sad as he/she is leaving their loved ones, their house, the environment they grew up in.