Twin tower 2 collapse 3

life since 9/11

  • collapse of twin towers

    i was in second grade and even then i knew it was a tragic event
  • Period: to

    life since 9/11

  • first dirtbike

    first dirtbike
    coming off the schoolbus to a dirtbike, rode that every day, (kept me out of trouble.
  • My moms starts Graphic Energiez

    My mom sold her business Mixed Media in doylestown, and started Graphic Energiez.
  • Start of afghanistan war

    Start of afghanistan war
    Important because our family consists of many marines, and i was set on being one since i could remember.
  • 10th birthday

    10th birthday
    Hittin the double digits son!! Had a dirtbike party that day.
  • cracked my chin open

    cracked my chin open
    though i was really good at ice skating, and it turned out i wasn't...
  • Broke my first bone

    Broke my first bone
    Broke my wrist trying my first rail, definately wasn't a begginers rail.
  • cracked my head open

    cracked my head open
    fell through my moms work ceiling on my head.
  • Started my first full time summer job

    Started working for my dad who owns Keller Landscaping full time during the summer, i worked for him full time the next 2 summers
  • Bought my first mountain bike

    Bought my first mountain bike
    important for me, because it was my first large purchase on my own, taught me to respect the things i own.
  • Got my new dirt bike

    Got my new dirt bike
    It was a cr-80 and it was very fast. This is what started my addiction to going fast and doing stupid things.
  • First kiss

    First kiss
    First kiss with a girl with braces, not a fond memory.
  • Shattered my knee cap

    Shattered my knee cap
    The day of my brothers high school graduation, i went off a jump on my dirtbike, and ate shit hard. I ended up attending my brothers grad, then going to the hospital.
  • ipod touch

    First ipod touch
  • First surgery

    Broke my left wrist in half skateboarding, was in cat for 4 months, the summer sucked not being able to swim.
  • Brother inlists in marines

    Brother inlists in marines
    Brother inlists in marines, i recall my mom almost fainting when she found out.
  • found out i had a heart anomoly

    Got injured playing football, and found out i had an interrupted IVC.
  • Obama Elected President

    Obama Elected President
    Big moment in history, but looking back i regret it.
  • Neice was born

    Natalie Sky Dickerson
  • Nephew Born

    Eric Allen Dickerson
  • Leo deprts to afghanistan

    Leo left for almost year, and completed two tours over there, he just came back from his third a few months ago.
  • Blood Clots

    Blood Clots
    My heard anomaly caught up to me and i also found out i had Favtor 5 (clotting disorder) Had deep vein thrombosis in my whole lower abdomen. Was in hospital for almost three months.
  • Got out of the hospital

    Most crucial moment of my life so far, whole life flip flop, couldn't join marines, almost failed school, and just seemed rock bottom.
  • Took in my awesome niece and nephew

    Sister ran off and left kids, and have been having a blast watching them grow up. Taught them to call me master instead of uncle
  • Bought my first streetbike

    Bought my first streetbike
    Little graduation gift to myself
  • Graduated High school

    Hellz Yeahz
  • Bought first car

    Bought first car
    I call it my shitmobile, but it runs
  • started working full time for Graphic Energiez

    Got arrested so i was forced to work for my mom, and the became Large Format Production Mangager, enjoy doing it