Life of Zachary Taylor

  • Birth

    Taylor was born near Barboursville, Virginia.
  • General

    Taylor became the general of Fort Pickering.
  • Captain

    Zachary Taylor earned the designation of a Captain and there were fewer work responsibilities at that time. This gave him enough time to invest his earnings on properties, such as the plush ‘Cypress Grove Plantation’, as well as a plantation in Louisville for $95000, at that time.
  • Marriage

    Taylor married Margaret Mackall Smith.
  • Children

    Zachary and Margaret had their first child, Ann Margaret Mackall
  • Police

    Helped police in Western frontier of the U.S against the Native Americans.
  • Black Hawk War

    Black Hawk War
    Commanded troops in the Black Hawk War.
  • Second Seminole War

    Second Seminole War
    Began to command troops in the Second war of the Seminole War.
  • Indian Fighter

    Indian Fighter
    Earned the name of 'Indian Fighter'
  • Disobeying Orders

    Disobeying Orders
    Taylor disobeyed orders and defeated a Mexican force more than three times the size of his own force.
  • Slave States

    Slave States
    Opposed the creation of new slave states.
  • Presidency Began

    Presidency Began
    Taylor was elected as president.
  • Southern Leaders

    Southern Leaders
    Taylor's heated session with Southern leaders, lead to him hanging spies and deserters in Mexico.
  • Presidency Ended

    Presidency Ended
    Taylor died during his presidential time
  • Death

    After complaining of severe stomach pains five days prior. Physicians diagnosed him as suffering from a gastrointestinal condition then known as “cholera morbus.”