I Meet Wadson, My Father
Day of Mourning for Muskle
The pod sings a whalesong for Muskle, who didn't return to the pod after the krill hunt. -
My First Encounter with a Shark
I meet Salinger and the Sea Lions -
Migration into Colder Waters as a Pod
Where the krill beds were plentiful. -
Meet Hrunakana, the Great Humpback Whale
I Begin the Lonely Cruise
I Meet Delpha, the dolphin
I learn more about a Fin whale, I saw captured. -
I Take the Plunge
I Meet Ecru, the Pelican
I Help Save Musetta at the Inlet
I meet Finuwe, a fin whale that I heard about from the dolphins before I took the Plunge, Marmo and Scallop, some dolphins. -
Finuwe, Musetta, and I Save Marmo
We save Marmo from ships trying to catch him. -
Musetta, Finuwe, Marmo, and I Split Up
Musetta and I stay together of course. -
Musetta and I Join Our Lives
Musetta and I Find Our Old Pod
I Become the Official Leader of the Pod
Murrow passed away while I was on the Lonely Cruise and he said I was to be in charge. -
Musetta Learns That She Is Expecting a Calf
The Encounter with the Four Whaler Ships
Where Hrunakana gave his life to save our pod. -
I Meet Ecru's son, Ala.
Hrunakana Is Born
He looks just the same as Hruna, so is no doubt that this isn't the perfect name.