No exact date was found of the birth of Sojourner Truth. Sojourner Truth was born into slavery. She was born on Swarte kill, Ulster county, New York. -
Sojourner Truth was a slave as a child. She was sold to a man named John Neely. -
Sojourner Truth learned to speak english by listening to people around her. -
Family of Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth had ten brothers and sisters. Sojourner Truth was forced to marry a man named Thomas. They had five children. One died shortly after birth. -
The excape
Slavery ended for Sojourner Truth because she walked away. -
The speech
Sojourner Truth deliverd a speech renamed ain't I a Woman. At a womans rights convintion in Ohio. -
The meet
Sojourner Truth met Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln asured her that he had heard her speeches. -
Sojourner Truth passed away when she was 86. In Battle Creek,Micagan. -
In honer of Sojourner Truth they made a statue of her.