Life Of Sister Irene McCormack

  • Birth of Irene

    Birth of Irene
    Irene McCormack was born on Kununoppin, a Western Australian farm
  • Period: to

    Life Of Sister Irene McCormack

  • Irene decides to become a religious sister

    At the age of 15 Irene decided she wanted to become a religious sister.
  • Irene joins the Josephite sisters

    Irene joins the Josephite sisters
    A year after deciding she wanted to become a religious sister she joined the Josephite sisters
  • Irene McCormack's First Vows

    Irene McCormack's First Vows
    Irene Takes her first vows as a Josephite Sister
  • Irene Taught

    Irene Taught Kids in Year 5-8 In South Perth
  • South Perth years 5-6

    South Perth years 5-6
    Here is when Irene McCormack started her carreer in teaching.
  • Irene says her last vows

    Irene Takes her last Vow as a Josephite Sister
  • Irene Graduates

    Irene Graduates
    Irene Graduates from University of Western Australia
  • Irene Taught at South Perth

    Irene Taught Year Nines and Year Fives In South Perth In 1970
  • Irene becomes a principle

    Irene McCormack Becomes A Principal At Kearnan College
  • Irene goes to Peru

    Irene goes to Peru
    Sister Irene taught sewing and craftwork to the women of the village and helped children.
  • missionary

    Sister Irene became a missionary worker
  • Celebrating 20 years

    Celebrating 20 years
    during April the Josephite sisters celebrated 20 years in Peru
  • Death of Irene

    Death of Irene
    Sister Irene was executed in 1991 by members of Sendero Luminoso, as she was accused of being an american, and feeding the poor.
  • Funeral

    Sister irene had her funeral