Life of Saint Francis Xaiver

  • Period: Dec 30, 1500 to Dec 30, 1555

    Important Events around the world

  • Period: Dec 30, 1500 to Dec 30, 1555

    The Life of Saitn Francis Xavier

  • Aug 30, 1501

    Michelangelo begins his statue of David

    Michelangelo begins his statue of David
    The statue of David is very famous and is located in Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence
  • Apr 7, 1506

    Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta is born

    Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta is born
    Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta was born in Navarre to a noble family.
  • Oct 17, 1515

    Saint Xavier's father dies

    Saint Xavier's father dies
    Saint Xavier's father dies in battle when Xavier is 9
  • Sep 30, 1517

    The Protestanant Reformation begins

    The Protestanant Reformation begins
    Martin Luther posts the 95 theses
  • Oct 17, 1525

    Xaiver leaves for Paris University

    Xaiver leaves for Paris University
    Xaiver left home for his studies at Paris University
  • Dec 30, 1531

    The church of England breaks away from the Roman Catholic Church

    The church of England breaks away from the Roman Catholic Church
    King Henry VIII becomes head of the Church of England
  • Apr 27, 1537

    Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal

    Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal
    The Inquistion punished heretics in very harsh ways usually with torture
  • Jun 24, 1537

    Saint Francis is ordained

    Saint Francis is ordained
    Saint Francis ordained along with other members of Saint Ignatius's group
  • Oct 17, 1540

    Saint Francis leaves for Portugal

    Saint Francis leaves for Portugal
    He left for Portugal to join a mission the king was sending to Goa.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Edward VI becomes King of England and Ireland

     Edward VI becomes King of England and Ireland
    EdwardVI becomes king at age 9
  • Oct 16, 1549

    Francis sets sail for Japan

    Francis sets sail for Japan
    He and his companions stayed in Japan for over 2 years and set up many christian communities.
  • Dec 2, 1552

    Saint Francis Xavier dies

    Saint Francis Xavier dies
    Saint Francis dies on his way to the island of Changchuen and is buried at Goa.