Robert t kenney

Life of Robert T. Kenney

  • Born

    1938, April 6th, Belmont Hospital, 6:48 pm.
  • Attended BC High, Boston MA

    Attended BC High, Boston MA
    Started his four years of highschool, where he ran track and played JV football.
  • Attends Boston College

    Attends Boston College
    Majored in finance. Studied for four years.
  • Marries Kathleen Wahlan

    Marries Kathleen Wahlan
    Married Kathleen (KK) after 3 years of dating in college. He married her right before he left to attend officer training school.
  • Attended OCS

    Attended OCS
    Started Officer Canidate School In Newport Rhode Island.
  • Peter N. Kenney is born

    Robert and Kathy have their first son named Peter.
  • Served in the Navy

    Served in the Navy
    Deployed overseas for three years on a destroyer ship.
  • Chris Kenney Born

    Chris Kenney Born
    2nd son, Chris is born, whilst Robert is deployed overseas.
  • Father Passes Away

    Father passes the same month as his last son was born. Very eventful August.
  • Robert E. Kenney

    Third and last son is born, (my father.)
  • Attended Harvard Business School

    Attended Harvard Business School
    Went back to school for 2 years to earn his master degree in business administration.
  • Worked at Ludlow Corp

    Worked at Ludlow Corp
    Started first major job as a financial analyst for Ludlow Corp.
  • Joins Price Waterhouse

    Joins Price Waterhouse
    Swtiches job locations and moves to Price Waterhouse Acounting Firm to start his new job.
  • Directs Public Facilities of Boston

    Directs Public Facilities of Boston
    Becomes director of PFD Boston.
  • Becomes Director of Boston Redevelopment authority

    Becomes Director of Boston Redevelopment authority
    Also known BRA. Robert became the cheif of Boston modernization where he acted as the cities arcitec, attempting to improve business and econemy in the city itself by reviltalizing old city owned buildings.
  • Opens Faneuil Hall Marketplace

    Opens Faneuil Hall Marketplace
    After hard preparation, Robert proposes his bluepreint and layout plans to the cityhall in Boston prior to the opening of Quincy market
  • Grand opening of Charlestown Navy Yard redevelopment

    Grand opening of Charlestown Navy Yard redevelopment
    Robert works alongside (left) governor Frank Shriver, and (right) mayor Kevin White discussing plans for the new and improved waterfront. According to the article in the globe:
    "Walsh said. He also praised Mr. Kenney’s leadership in redeveloping the Charlestown Navy Yard into “an entire neighborhood of mixed-use development — housing, condos, restaurants, office space."
  • Period: to

    Operates Kenney Development Company

    Manages KDC smoothly for 30 years until his retirement. Handing the business off to my father, Robert E. Kenney for operation.
  • Founds Kenney Devleopemnt Company

    Founds Kenney Devleopemnt Company
    Also known as KDC. Robert founded and became the CEO of KDC. His company purchased (and still does) old buildings and rehabilitates them, to be leased out to the public.
  • Death

    Peacefully passed away at Foxhill Clark House assisted living center due to complications with his kidneys.
  • Boston Globe commemorates Robert's Life

    Boston Globe commemorates Robert's Life
    The Globe publishes a lengthy article regarding Roberts acheivements, including all the advancements he made to boston. (link)