
Life of Riley

  • Riley has Arrived!

    Riley has Arrived!
    After 38 week of pregnancy, I went into the hospital with increasing contractions. I was dilated 6 cm (pg. 86) and was progressing quickly. As per my birth plan I had decided on doing a natural childbirth (pg. 96), allowing no medicine to enter my body to help with the pains of pregnancy. After only a few short hours with my husband by my side for support, Riley finally crowned (pg. 86) and 15 minutes later we had a beautiful baby girl.
  • Riley's First Tooth

    Riley's First Tooth
    We knew from the irritablity, as well as the increase in slobber, and bitting on things that Riley was teething (pg. 130). She had been biting on anything she could get her hands on to relieve the pressure, just so happens my keys were her favorite chewing toy. Finally, her first tooth popped out today relieving alot of the uncomfortsable pain she been having.
  • Riley is on the Move...

    Riley is on the Move...
    Riley is now able to crawl around and she is using both hands and legs to explore new areas of the house (pg. 142). She is very curious about her surrounding and now nothing can stop her. She has been crawling so much that her knees look pretty scrapped up. I'm considering getting her some baby knee pads!
  • Riley has Spoken...

    Riley has Spoken...
    Da-Da. Was the first word that Riley spoke. She was so excited to see her father when he came home from work. She had made it through the cooing or preverbal stage, then to the babbling stage where she started repeating constant sounds, and finally onto the gestures and comprehension of words stage (pg. 156). After surpassing all these usual developmental goals shespoke her first words. Now if only it could have been Ma- Ma since I spend the most time with her.
  • Can't Hide from Riley!

    Can't Hide from Riley!
    Hiding things from Riley has become increasing more difficult as she is able to quickly find the hidden objects. This milestone is known as object permanence in which she is able to understand that the toy did not disappear and is in fact hidden (pg. 188). She is so fast some times at finding things that i sometimes think she may be part blood hound.
  • Riley teaches herself about makeup!

    Riley teaches herself about makeup!
    As Riley has grown up she has become increasingly aware of herself developing self recognition (pg.203). Today she experimented with my makeup that she found in the bathroom placing it all over her face using the mirror like she has seen me do. She no longer calls the person that she sees in the mirror Ana now that she recognizes it is her.
  • Riley is Sprouting!

    Riley is Sprouting!
    Now that Riley is three years old it was time to get her another checkup at the doctors office. We found out that she was 36 inches tall and 32 pounds (pg.231) . She is an overall healthy little girl and has lost almost all of her baby fat (pg.231). She also has all 20 of her baby teeth in (pg.231), which come in handy as she tries to eat her favorite snack- APPLES!
  • Riley has become a Counting master!

    Riley has become a Counting master!
    Riley is showing skills of being able to complete conservation of number tasks (pg. 243). She is easily able to count to ten with great proficency (pg.243). She gets so excited counting everything and loves to help me in the kitchen when it involves counting ingredients, she specifically likes to count the number of piggy's (toes) she has and everyone else has.
  • Riley is Concerned :(

    Riley is Concerned :(
    Earlier today our Dog had gotten out of the yard and had gotten hit by a car. Luckily only his leg was broken so we took him to the vet and got a cast put on his leg. As soon as Riley had seen him she began to cry for Remi, showing great Empathy (pg. 255). She continued by sharing with us how she though Remi felt throughout the day.
  • Mommy's Little Girl is Growing Up!

    Mommy's Little Girl is Growing Up!
    Now that Riley is 4 years old it is time for her to leave the nest and fly. I don't know who is having a harder time me or Riley (Probably me). As she goes to preschool she will enjoy learning some much needed skills for Kindergarden, as well as establishing the social connections with her peers that will allow her to partake in social play which will allow her to become much more sociable (pg. 270). It's just hard to let her go but I know its the best for the both of us.
  • Riley loves showing off her new skills!

    Riley loves showing off her new skills!
    Riley loves to play with her dominos and blocks. In fact she consistently enjoys showing off the fact that she can organize her blocks from largest to smallest showing transitive inference (pg.296), she also shows similiar skills in her ability to group colors, or put similar animals together. I am so proud at the way she is progressing.
  • Riley astounds (her words)!

    Riley astounds (her words)!
    Riley vocabulary seems to be increasing exponentially. She know more then 10,000 words already and more keep coming (pg. 306). This is probably in part due to her love for reading. I don't know where she gets it but i try to encourage the practice by reading books with her at night.