Life of Richard Feynman

  • Richard Phillips Feynman is born

  • Feynman eanrs Bachelor's Degree circa. 1939

  • Feynman earns Ph.D circa. 1942

    circa. 1942
  • Feynman marries highschool sweetheart Arline Greenbaum circa. 1942

    circa. 1942
  • Feynman joins the Manhattan Project as the leader of the theoretical division circa. 1942

    circa. 1942
  • Taught physics at Cornell circa. 1945

  • Arline Greenbaum dies

  • Feynman moved to CalTech to teach and stayed there; started work in QED circa. 1950

  • Feynman remarries Mary Louise Bell circa. 1952

  • Feynman and Bell divorce circa. 1956

  • Feynman remrries again to Gweneth Howarth circa. 1960

  • Feynman wins Nobel Prize in physics and delivers speech

  • Feynman becomes a member of the Rogers Commission and discovers the problem circa. 1986

  • Feynman passes away at age 69