Day of Birth
Paige Elizabeth Traynowicz was born at Bryan LGH hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska at 11:18 am. -
Graduating Middle School
Scott Middle SchoolI went to Scott Middle School from 6th grade to 8th grade. -
First car accident
I got into my first car accident exactly one week after I turned 16. It was snowing out and I ran into a parked car. -
State Basketball
State Basketball Article I played in my first state basketball game. It was one of the best experiences of my life. -
Got my first job at Knowledge Beginnings Daycare
I got my first job at Knowledge Begginnings daycare during my senior year of high school. I work in the two year old room and I love all my friends in my classroom! -
Graduated from High School
Graduated from Lincoln Southwest Highschool June 5, 2010 -
First Tattoo
I got my first tattoo on September 28th which is my best friend's 18th birthday. My two other roommates and I got tattoos on our right foot. -
2nd Job
I got my second job at Scott Middle School coaching volleyball, basketball, and track. -
Moved into my first house with my friends
I moved into a house on 56th and Pine Lake with my best friends on May 18th 2012 -
My 3 best friends and I all receieved the same graduation gift which was a trip to Mexico with all of our moms! -
First Year of College at UNL
I lived in Harper Hall on the 5th floor with my friend from Elementary School. She moved away in 5th grade and came back for college and we were roommates!