Life of Oscar Romero

  • Where was Romero born?

    Romero was born at Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador in 1917
  • Oscar Romero family

    Oscar had 2 sister and 4 brother, there names were Gustavo, Romulo, zaida, gaspar,Mamerto,almado. Romero mom was Guadalupe de Jésus Galdámez and his dad was Santos Romero
  • When did Oscar Romero started his study to become a priest?

    Oscar started his study to become a priest at age 13
  • What University did Romero attended at?

    He attended Pontifical Gregorian University in Italy in 1935 same school as John Paul II.
  • When was Oscar appointed as a Archbishops?

    Pope Paul appointed him as Archbishops in 1977
  • Death of Romero

    He was assassinated in 1980 and was beatified in 2015 at San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Romero speech

    "One Sunday in 1980 in San Salvador cathedral that spoke directly to Salvadorian soldiers and young people, He said "you are all killing your fellow countrymen. No soldier has to obey an immoral order.
  • Romero Funeral Service

    People really loved Romero for example "his funeral service was attended by over 250,000 followers from across the globe
  • John Paul II relationship with Romero

    John Paul II on Romero, he "stubbornly waited until someone got the key. He then prayed at Romero’s tomb, praising him as a “zealous pastor who tried to stop violence.”