Life of Napoleon Boneparte

By 19Ajobe
  • Napoleons birth

    Napoleons birth
    Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. He was only the second surviving child of four.
  • Period: to

    Life of Napoleon

  • Entering Military School

    Entering Military School
    At the age of 15, Napoleon enters Ecole Militaire school in Paris.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille represented the royal authority of Paris at the time. On the morning of July 14th 1789 its storming was a message to the authorities of Paris.
  • Becomes Brigadier General

    Napoleon is promoted to Brigadier General in theh French army during the French Revolution.
  • Becomes Commander in Cheif

  • concordat signed

    An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that lasted until 1905.
  • Vote for Counsulship for life

    This was a vote to make Napoleon First Counsul, giving him most of the power in the french government.
  • Sale of Louisiana to United States

    The Louisiana purchase was the largest land purchase of the time, almost doubling the size of the United states.
  • Napoleon names himself Emperor of France

    Napoleon crowned himself the emperor of France and is later crowned the king of Italy.
  • Continental Blockade

    A blockade that proclaimed that neutrals and french allies were not to trade wih the British.
  • Napoleons son is born

    Napoleon the second , he was called the king of rome by his father.
  • Napoleon is exiled

    He was exiled to Elba after the rest of Europe unites against him.
  • Napoleon escapes from Elba

    He returns to France to fight again for his throne at the battle of Waterloo.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo by the Duke of Welliington, ending a Napoleonic Era.
  • Napoleon arrives at St Helena

    Napoleon is exiled once again to St Helena after escaping from Elba.
  • Napoleon Dies

    He dies while in exile. There is a rumor that he was poisoned, but it is most likely that he had stomach cancer.