This is when I was born. -
1st birthady
My first birthday when I was a baby. -
First came to Busan and went to my first school in Busan
First came to busan and started go to BFS. -
When I quit going to BFS
I decided to go to BIFS instead of BFS because I herd that there is a better quality than BFS. I quit when I was in 3rd grade. -
When I started to go to BIFS
I started to go to BIFS in 3rd grade. -
When I was in 4th grade
When I was in 5th grade
My Graduation (after 5th grade)
I graduated from 5th garde! -
End of PYP
Finished elemantry -
When I started MYP
I started middle school. -
Period: to
First Camp in 6th Grade
Period: to
추석 Break
Typhoon Break (awsome...)
Cross Country and Halloween Party
Term Break
Ended one term. -
Start school after term break
First playdate with my friends outside
Gyeong-Ju Fiend Trip