
Life of Makala

  • Birth

    Born to my mother that was 15years old and father who was 17 years old
  • Dylan was born

    Dylan was born
    My very first sibling was born. I did not know him yet. I was 3 before we actually got to meet because I was in foster care. He is my dads son.
  • Out of foster care

    Out of foster care
    After 5 years of fighting for custody in Sapulpa, Oklahoma my dad is awarded full custody and I go to leave foster care.
  • Brooklyn Born

    Brooklyn Born
    My baby sister was the first sibling I got to see born. She is also the only sibling that I was raised with since their birth. She is my only sister.
  • Donnie Born

    Donnie Born
    My brother was born on my birth mother's side. We never lived together. Just saw each other now and then. My birth mother's older sister adopted him. He became legally my cousin.
  • Got my Drivers License

    Got my Drivers License
    Passed my Driving Test and got my license. It immediately snowed and I couldnt drive.
  • Prom Night/Husband Proposed

    Prom Night/Husband Proposed
    My senior prom night became more memorable when my boyfriend asked me to marry him.
  • Met my soon to be in laws

    Met my soon to be in laws
    The day after my husband proposed I finally became worthy of meeting his family.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    Graduated from Jenks High School.
  • Married

    Married the love of my life. My high school sweet heart.
  • Sons Birth

    Sons Birth
    My son, Carson Samuel Adams, was born weighing 7lbs and was 19 inches long at 2:54pm. He made me a mama.
  • Papa passed away

    Papa passed away
    Hours after giving birth, I called my poppy to let him know I had safely delivered my son. Told him that we named my son after him. He was so happy. We hung up with an "I love you". In the middle of the night I got a call that he had taken his last breath. He held on just to make sure we were okay and then passed on.
  • First Time I Flew In An Airplane

    First Time I Flew In An Airplane
    Took a trip with my husband and friends to Florida. Flew in an airplane for the first time. I got window seat!
  • First Cruise

    First Cruise
    Went on my first cruise ever with my husband. Cozumel was stunning.
  • Baptized

    I publicly declared my faith surrounded by all my loved ones at Good News Church by Pastor Brad Brooks
  • Daughter's Birth

    Daughter's Birth
    My daughter, Venna Leia Adams, was born weighing 7lbs 13oz and 21 inches long at 10:37am
  • Carson's first day of Kindergarten

    Carson's first day of Kindergarten
    Walked my son to his first day of school. Cried all the happy tears.
  • Gramps passes away

    Gramps passes away
    My grandpa passes away from a heart attack. He was a veteran and proudly wore all the hats that my family has on their heads in the photo.
  • Bought our first home

    Bought our first home
    My husband I signed and closed on our very first home.
  • Luke joined the family

    Luke joined the family
    Our family's very first pet. Luke Skywalker is a golden retriever.
  • Became an Auntie

    Became an Auntie
    Leo Hunter was born from my sister-in-law, Sierra Adams. I waited so long for him. It was an immediate beautiful love that was so special.
  • Brought Obi home

    Brought Obi home
    We added our border collie to the family.
  • Granny passes

    Granny passes
    My best friend, granny, biggest supporter, and so much more took her last breath right in front of my eyes. Died from COPD and pneumonia.
  • Bought my first brand new car

    Bought my first brand new car
    Finally got to purchase my dream car which was a white, toyota camry.
  • Accepted to University of Central Oklahoma

    Accepted to University of Central Oklahoma
    Received my certificate of Admission to UCO in the mail to finish my bachelor's degree in organizational leadership.
  • Max born

    Max born
    My youngest sibling was born. From birth mom's side. My grandma raised him and so we got to be very close. When she got sick I took over raising him. 14-18 years old he lived with me.
  • First Ever Disney World Trip

    First Ever Disney World Trip
    Experienced our first disney world trip as a family and it was magical. Went to Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom