Life of Irene McCormack

  • The birth of Sr Irene McCormack

    The birth of Sr Irene McCormack
    Sr Irene McCormack was born in Kununoppin, Trayning and Western Australia.
  • She became a nun

    She became a nun
    At the age of 15 Irene McCormack decided to become a nun
  • First Vows

    In 1958 Irene took her first vows.
  • Final vows

    In 1965 Irene took her final vows.
  • Graduating from University

    Graduating from University
    in 1969 Irene McCormack graduated from the University of WA with a major degree in Geography
  • She became a principal

    She became a principal
    She became the principal of a school after teaching there for 30 years
  • Arrived in Peru

    Arrived in Peru
    In 1987 she went to Peru to help others in need.
  • Celebrating 10 years

    In 1991 the Josephite sisters celebrated 10 years of their amazing service.
  • The death of Irene Mccormack

    In 1991 Sr Irene McCormack was executed by a group called the Guerrillas
  • Irene's funeral

    Sr Irene McCormack was buried two days after her death.