
Life of Henry Clay

  • Birth

    Henry Clay was born April 12th 1777 in Hanover County Virginia VA
  • Admitted into LAw

  • Elected to Senate

  • Warhawk

    As a leading war hawk in 1812, he favored war with Britain and played a significant role in leading the nation to war in the War of 1812.[
  • Missouri Comprimise

    Along with his colleagues Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, he was instrumental in formulating the Missouri Compromise of 1820
  • Loses Presidential Election

    In 1824 he ran for president and lost, but maneuvered House voting in favor of John Quincy Adams, who made him Secretary of State.
  • Period: to

    Secratary of State

    He served three non-consecutive terms as Speaker of the House of Representatives and was also Secretary of State from 1825 to 1829.
  • Loses Second Election

    Clay ran for president again, and lost the general election in 1832, as the candidate of the National Republican Party
  • Tarriff Comprimise

    along with his colleagues Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, he was instrumental in formulating the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Compromise Tariff of 1833,
  • Censure of andrew jackson

  • Loses Third Presidential Election

    Candidate for the whig Party this time
  • Comprimise of 1850

    along with his colleagues Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, he was instrumental in formulating the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Compromise Tariff of 1833, and the Compromise of 1850 to ease sectional tensions.
  • Abraham Lincoln commerates Henry Clay

  • Death

  • Kansas Nebraska Act

  • Fort Summter bombardment

  • Selected as top 5 U.S. Senators

    In 1957, a Senate Committee selected Clay as one of the five greatest U.S. Senators, along with Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, Robert La Follette, and Robert A. Taft.[5]