Life of F Scott Fitzgerald

  • Birth of Fitzgerald

  • Fitzgerald joins the army

    Fitzgerald joins the army
  • Meets Zelda

  • Discharged from army

    Moves to NYC hoping to marry Zelda
  • Rewrites his Novel and it gets accepted

    After Zelda breaks off the engagement he quits his job and moves to St. Paul
  • Mass circulation magazines

    Near the end of 1919 he was in the mass circulation magazines wear he began to be noticed
  • Married to Zelda

    Married to Zelda
  • Zelda gets pregnant

    Zelda gets pregnant
    She gets pregnant a year after they were married which made them move to St. Paul
  • They move to St. Paul

  • They move to Great Neck Long Island

  • They move to France

    They move to France
  • Great Gatsby

    Great Gatsby
    Written between 1924-1925
  • Scott Moves to Hollywood alone

    He worked as a screen writer there
  • Fitzgerald dies

    Fitzgerald dies
  • Literary critic renews interest in Fitzgerald’s writings