Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Born

    Francis Scott Key Fitgerald was born on September 24 1896 in St. Paul Minnesota on the second floor of 481 Laurel Avenue to Edward and Molly Fitzgerald.
  • Join Army

    Join Army
    because of his failure as a student, he was put on academic probation which motivated him to join the army in 1917
  • The Romantic Egotist

    shortly after joining the army, he wrote his first book called "The Romantic Egotist" which was rejected by Charles Scribners Sons
  • Assignment

    in June of 1918, he was assigned to Camp Sheridan near Montgomery, Alabama where he met Zelda Sayre
  • Discharge

    he was discharged in 1919 and moved to new york in order to get money so he could marry Zelda but she broke off the engagement because she wouldn't live off his small income.
  • The Side of Paradise

    The Side of Paradise
    he quit his job in July 1919 and moved back to St. Paul to rewrite his book as "The Side of Paradise". The novel was accepted by editor Maxwell Perkins of Scribners in September of 1919
  • Married

    a week after "This Side of Paradise" was published in 1920 he married Zelda Sayre in New York
  • Birth of only child

    a year after they were married Zelda became pregnant which motivated them to move back to St. Paul for the birth of their only child Francis Scott in October 1921
  • Great Neck Long Island

    in fall of 1922 the Fitzgeralds moved to Great Neck Long Island in order to be near Broadway because Fitzgerald wrote a play called "The Vegetable" which didn't work out
  • The Great Gasby

    spring of 1924 the Fitzgeralds went to France where "The Great Gatsby" was written. F Scott revised "The Great Gatsby" in the winter of 1924 to 1925
  • Delaware

    the family moved to Delaware and rented a mansion in hopes it would allow Fitzgerald to work on his novels
  • return of paris

    return of paris
    the family returned to Paris in the spring of 1929 where Zelda began intense ballet training which damaged her health
  • Breakdown

    in April of 1930, Zelda Fitzgerald had her first breakdown and was treated at Pragins clinic in Switerland until September 1931
  • return to America

    in the fall of 1931, the family returned to America where Zelda had a relapse a year later and was taken to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore
  • Tender is the Night

    Tender is the Night
    in 1934 fitzgerald completed his 4th novel which closely reflected his marriage at the time