Life of Events of The Great Gatsby

  • Gatsby invites Nick to Lunch

    In the city, Gatsby introduces Nick to Meyer Wolfsheim and arranges to tryst with Daisy. Nick starts seeing Jordan.
  • Gatsby and Daisy meet at Nick's.

    Nick convinces Daisy to come to he's house for Tea, then Gatsby appears and they start beginng to fall in love again.
  • After Lunch with the gang

    On the drive home Daisy, in Gatsby's car, runs over Myrtle.
  • Nick visits Tom and Daisy in the East Egg

    Daisy invites Nick over for Dinner
  • Nick meets Jordan Baker

    While Nick is having dinner with the Buchanan's he meets Jordan Baker.
  • Tom Invites Nick to meet his mistres

    Tom invites Nick to come along to meet Myrtle ( Tom's Mistress)
  • Tom breaks Myrtle's Nose

    The reason behind this is because Myrtle kept saying "Daisy" so Tom punched her in the face during the party.
  • Nick gets an Invitation to Gatsby's party.

    Nick is the only person that gets an invation to Gatsbys party, everyone else just shows up.
  • Nick goes to Gatsby's Party.

    Nick attends gatsby's party in which he was invited to and runs into Jordan Baker.