First years of Edgar's Life
January 19th 1809 Edgar Allan Poe was Born.January 1st 1810-His dad left him when he was 1 years old.December 8th 1811 his mom passed away from tuberculosis.He watched as his mother coughed up blood when he was almost 3 on December 8th 1811. -
How was Poe Raised.
Edgar was soon adopted by the Allan Family after his mothers death.His first childhood love died from Brain Cancer when he was 15.His foster mother was struck with tuberculosis. While his foster mother was in the house his foster father was bringing multiple women in the house and having affairs.1827- John Allan sent Edgar Allan Poe to boarding school.Edgar Flees to Boston to join the army and used the name Edgar Perry. -
Foster Mothers and Foster Fathers Death
1829- His foster foster mother died of tuberculosis. 1831-Moves in with his ant and 8 yer old cousin Virginia. 1834- Foster dad dies and leaves Edgar nothing and disrespects him. 1835- Leaves Ants home and gets a job at a newspaper company in Boston. -
His story's are preoccupied with death and the afterlife because he was surrounded by it so he decided to write about it.He writes the very first detective story before Sherlock homes in 1841 called murders at the Rue Morgue and he didn't get credit for it. -
His Death
October 7th 1849, he wakes up for a second and said"God please help my poor soul!" and dies he was 41 years old. -
Edgar Falls in love with his first cousin which is 12 years old. 1855- He wrote to his ant about hoe he loved Virginia. Then he married Virginia. -
Virginia/Love again
Virginia ended up consuming Tuberculosis. After Virginia passed away he started to fall in love with more then one person and wrote them the same letters tat he use to write Virginia. -
He started to become a ragging alcoholic.Then he was found in Baltimore Maryland in the streets on October 3rd 1849 when he was supposed to be in New York he was unconscious and wearing someone else's clothes and seems to have been drugged or something. He seemed to be delirious.