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Life Of Edgar and Poe

  • Edgar Allen Poe is Born

    Edgar Allen Poe is born on January 19,1809
  • Poe gets abandoned

    When Poe was 1 years old his father abandoned him.
  • Edgar mother dies and he was adopted

    Poe mother dies from Tb,his mother was 28.Poe father abandoned him and his family.So Poe was taken in from Mr.Allen and Mrs. Allen.
  • First Love dies

    His first true love dies when he is 15 from Brain Cancer.
  • Join Army

    Edgar joins the army because he was in dept and his Foster father would not support him.
  • Boarding Schools

    His Foster father sent him to boarding schools so he could do his affairs alone and not have Poe judging him.Poe thought women should be treated with respect and be treasured.While his Foster father was having affairs while his Foster mother was dying of TB.His Foster father only gave Edgar enough mother to get there
  • Going Back To Boston

    He moved to Boston were he was born and enlisted in the army as Edgar A. Perry.
  • Foster Mother Dies

    His Foster Mother dies of TB
  • Publish Books

    When he was 20 he used his own money to publish his own two books.
  • Moves with his Aunt

    He moves in with his Aunt Marie and his 8 year old cousin Virginia.
  • Gets a Job

    He gets a job in editing a newspaper.
  • Married

    When Poe was 26 and Virginia was about to be 13 they got married.
  • Moving

    He finds out he going to send him and his cousin Virginia to move with a relative. He did not want to lose Virginia cause he was in love with her.
  • The Murders

    In 1841,The book The Murders was published in the Rue Moroue, He creates the very first detective story in a sense of logic he does not get much credit for it.
  • Virginia is sick

    In 1842, They find out that Virginia has TB.Poe has a connection with death because all the deaths that happened in his life.
  • Poem

    In 1845, His poem The Raven was published.The Poem The Raven brought him a lot of fame but only made a profit of 14 dollars.
  • Cottage

    In 1846, He moved his wife to a cottage in New York. While his wife. Was sick he drank heavily.
  • Virginia dies

    In 1847, Virginia dies of TB. Edgar is romancing a whole bunch of women at once ,he was going crazy. He had someone to shave off his mustache so he would not be recognized.When people seem Edgar he looked pale and sick .He does not think he can be without a woman.Poe heads to New York to tell his Aunt about his new engagement .
  • Unconscious

    Edgar was found unconscious on a Baltimore street.He was wearing someone else's clothes.Poe was taken to the hospital because he is found unconscious .
  • Edgar Poe Dies

    Oct 7th,1849 Edgar is in the hospital after he has been found on the street unconscious on Oct 3, he woke up and says God help my poor sole and dies.