Timeline of Edgar Allan Poe

  • Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to David and Elizabeth Poe

    Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to  David and Elizabeth Poe
  • Elizabeth Poe dies in Richmond, VA due to tuberculosis. Edgar was only 2 at the time.

  • Edgar Allan Poe goes to live with his foster parents John and Francis Allan.

  • By the age of 13, Poe was beginning to produce poetry, but it was discouraged by his father father, John.

    By the age of 13, Poe was beginning to produce poetry, but it was discouraged by his father father, John.
  • Poe attends the University of Virginia where it was said he did very well in his classes.

    Poe attends the University of Virginia where it was said he did very well in his classes.
  • In June of the same year, Poe published his first known book of poetry “Tamerlane and Other Poems.” He also joined the U.S Army.

  • Poe moves back to Boston

  • Poe’s foster mother dies of Tuberculosis.

  • Poe publishes his third book after leaving West Point military academy and focuses on a full time writing career.

  • John Allan, Poe’s foster father, dies.

  • Poe gets a job in an editorial position for the “Southern Literary Messenger” in Richmond.

  • Poe marries his 13 year old cousin, Virginia Clemm Poe, at the age of 27

    Poe marries his 13 year old cousin, Virginia Clemm Poe, at the age of 27
  • Poe moves to New York City and publishes stories in “The New York Sun”

  • Poe publishes “The Raven”

  • Virginia Clemm Poe dies at the age of 24 due to Tuberculosis

  • Edgar Allan Poe dies at the age of 40 in Baltimore

  • His poem “Annabel Lee” is published two days after he died