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Life of Daniel Tammet

  • Daniel is born.

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    Life of Daniel Tammet

  • Daniel's brother, Lee is born.

  • Daniel is brought to a specialist who could look at why he was acting so different.

  • Daniel is put into a children's nursery

  • Daniel has his first seizure, but then never has another one again.

  • Daniel begins school.

  • Daniels first sister, Claire, is born.

  • Daniel refuses to be a part of any social games at his nursery.

  • Daniel's second brother, Steven, is born.

  • Daniels third brother, Steven, is born.

  • Daniel starts to learn other languages, besides English.

  • Daniel's younger twin sisters are born, Maria and Natasha.

  • Daniel realizes that he is different from the other kids, but he can't understand why.

  • Daniel's father slips into depression and is sick for many months.

  • Daniel's sister is born, Anna-Marie, his seventh sibling.

  • Daniel starts secondary school.

  • Daniel's first friend, Babak, moves to his town.

  • Daniel meets another friend, Rehan.

  • Daniel learns how to play chess, a great escape for him.

  • Daniel's final sibling is born, his youngest sister, Shelley.

  • Daniel has his first crush, and realizes that he is gay.

  • Daniel graduates with very high grades for somebody with autism.

  • Daniel travels to France and lives with a family for 10 days.

  • Daniel moves to Lithuania to be a volunteer English teacher.

  • Daniel moves back from Lithuania after living there for about 9 months.

  • Daniel meets his partner, Neil, online.

  • Daniel moves in with partner and his cat.

  • Daniel meets Neils family, and they are very supportive.

  • Daniel creates his website Optimnem, a site for people to go to in order to learn a new language.

  • Daniel beats the Guinness world record for number of digits of Pi memorized.

  • Daniel and Neil's cat dies, and the couple is very torn up.

  • Daniel is a part of an hour long show recording his journey across the US and his meeting Kim Peek, another savant much like himself.

  • Daniel memorizes the Icelandic language in just a week.

  • Daniel meets an expert scientist who learns more about Daniels brain.

  • Daniel is asked to be on the David Letterman show.

  • Daniels show that he was a part of his aired in London.

  • THhis is where the book ends. Daniel is happily living with his partner Neil, and learning new things about himself everyday.