Life of Charles Henry Killips

  • Charles Henry Killips Is Born

    Charles Henry Killips was on May 24 1844 in New Berlin, Waukesha, Wisconsin Territory. He was the first child of Robert Killips (1821-1876) and Sarah Elizabeth Shaw (1826-1896).
  • Harriet Adaline Killips Is Born

    Sister, Harriet, is born on November 13 1847 in Beaver Dam, Dodge, Wisconsin Territory.
  • Wisconsin Becomes A State

    Wisconsin Becomes A State
  • 1850 Census Details

    Charles is 6 in 1850 living in Beaver Dam, Dodge, Wisconsin. Also in the house are his father Robert Killips (28), his mother Sarah E Killips (24), younger sister Harriet (2), and great-grandmother Polly Shaw (81). His grandparents and 3 uncles, Sarah's family, live on a property next to the family.
  • Francis Sydney Killips Is Born

    Brother, Francis (Frank) Sydney Killips, is born in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Frank will end up living till the age of 62 dying on June 18th 1913.
  • George Eugene Sylvanus Is Born

    Brother, George Eugene Sylvanus Killips, is born in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. George will live till the age of 67 dying on October 27th 1921.
  • William Edgar Lionel Is Born

    Brother, William Edgar Lionel Killips, is born in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin on April 1st 1857.
  • Civil War Begins