Amelia earhart 2

Life of Amelia Earhart

  • Amelia was Born

    Amelia was Born
    Amelia Mary Earhart was born
  • First Flying Lesson

    Neta Snook gives Amelia her first flying lesson.
  • Pilot's License

    Pilot's License
    Amelia receives her pilots license.
  • Friendship Flight

    Friendship Flight
    Amelia and her crew take off on the friendship flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Women's Cross-Country Air Race

    Amelia flys in the Women's Cross-Country Air Race
  • Solo Flight

    Solo Flight
    Amelia makes a solo flight from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California
  • Flight to Mexico

    Flight to Mexico
    Amelia sets off on her flight to Mexico.
  • Round-the-world trip

    Round-the-world trip
    Amelia makes her first attempt at her round the world trip.
  • Disappeared mysteriously

    Amelia and Noonan disappear.