Life Map

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    The day I was born was a huge day for me because i got to start my life.
  • The Beach Club

    The Beach Club
    Though I dont remember the first time i went to the Beach Club Resort in Alabama, it changed my life because i have gone there every year at least once since then. It is an 8 hour road trip that i get to spend with my family and once we get there, there are so many things we can do as a family. Some of the best times i have spent down there is with my granparents.
  • First Disney World Trip

    First Disney World Trip
    My first trip to Disney World became a life changing event through out my life. After this first trip my family and I returned each summer until i was 11. These trips allowed for our family to grow closer and form a stronger bond and I got to meet Mickey Mouse
  • Moving to the Heights

    I moved to 5400 Grandview Rd. in the Heights when I was four to be closer to family, friends, and school
  • My mom was hit by a car on Thanksgiving Day

    This experiance was very hard because when my dad, sister, and I arrived at the scene, I saw her on the ground with the ambulance people and others trying to help
  • Grandfather Died

    Grandfather Died
    My grandfathering passing away was very hard because we were very close and did a lot together. When i spent the night with my grandparents i always made pancakes in the morning with him so i put a couple in his casket. I spoke and read a prair at his grave side ceremony
  • Trip to Washington D.C.

    During my trip to Washington D.C. I had the chance to wpend time with my dad and experience our nations history
  • Dad had a Spinal Cord Injury

    My dad a spinal cord injury, which broke his neck, when i was in 8th grade. He wasnt supposed to walk again, but we found a doctor who was willing to try a new sprocedure which worked and he was able to gradually regain movement. My mom, sister and i visited him everyday after school until he could come home. Thsi changed my life because it forced me to quickly take on new responsibilities and help around the house a lot more.