Life line

  • Birth

    I was born on Mischief night of this glorius year. The moment was 4:01 PM at chilton hospital. It was neat.
  • Birth of Sister

    Birth of Sister
    My sister was born at 10:00 PM at chilton hospital. She would grow to greatly influence my life, and I hers. For the better or worse, only one thing can be said: She is my sister.
  • tonsels out

    tonsels out
    Tonselitis plauged me from birth. Lots of coughing and falling out of bed at night. This was my salvation. I got a lot of ice cream too.
  • watched spongebob for the first time

    watched spongebob for the first time
    It was this that I'd say was the largest media influence on my early childhood. Nothing else, not sesame street, nor barney, nor even the rug rats, showed me how to live quite like spongebob.
  • officially learned to ride bike

    officially learned to ride bike
    After much faltering, some falling, and 87 broken bones, the greatest achievement of my life to date was reached. On only two wheels and an innefective helmet, I would go on to become the indesputed king of the world.
  • started kindergarden

    started kindergarden
  • Met Jefferson McLaughlin

    Met Jefferson McLaughlin
    This great great person went on to be my best friend, my trusted companion of many adventures, the marmot to my kangaroo. Im glad I met him.
  • started middle school

    started middle school
    This was a relatively uneventful point in my life. It was boring. But it happened.
  • started high school

    started high school
    This was a relatively uneventful point in my life, aside from all the great stuff that was going on outside of school. This was boring. But it happened.
  • Made a timeline

    Made a timeline
    I made a timeline. This is the timeline. No, this, over here.