
  • birth

    i was born
  • Dow Jones

    In 1993 The Dow Jones closed at over 3,500 for the first time ever (In the
  • Youngest Doctor

    World's youngest doctor, Balamurali Ambati, 17, graduates Mount Sinai (
  • devil

    my little sister Adrianna was born
  • Mortars

    Mortar attack on the US Embassy in Athens, Greece (historicalevents).
  • Space Launch

    STS 77 (Endeavour 11), launches into orbit (
  • Duke Center

    I moved in with my stepfather here in Duke Center.
  • split

    My mother and father got devorced
  • Y2K

    Y2K passes without serious, widespread computer failures, as many experts and businesses had feared(
  • married

    My mother remarried.
  • Disney

    We went to Disney for a wekk in 2001.
  • 9/11

    At 8:46 on September 11,2001 American Airline's Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center's noth tower. Then at 9:03 United Airline's Flight 175 flew into the south tower (NewYorkTimes).
  • Tallest Building

    The Tallest Building in the world opened in Dbai (
  • Death in the Olympics

    in the 2010 Olympics, Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed durring a training run ( I watched this on TV and ther were a lot of people all over the world that were upset.
  • Mantle

    On this day I received the Mantle award for the industrial arts.
  • Daytona

    This was the first time that i have gone to Daytona Beach.
  • Bieber

    Justin Bieber releases the song "Baby".It was released as the lead single from the latter half of Bieber's debut album (
  • College

    On this day my best friend Wil Duke left for college at York.
  • Osama Bin Laden

    On May 1st, 2011 a team of U.S. Navy seals entered a compound and killed Osama Bin Laden (
  • football

    On this day i went to Pitt-Bradford and met everyone that is goin to be on my team and coaches for Big 30.