Kristen found herself in a very depressed stage of her life after she found out that her dad was diagnosed with depression. It caused tension to build up in her home, making things very stressful. Around the same time, her grandmother had passed away and three of her friends had died. One of her friends had commited suicide by hanging himself. This event demonstrates a combination of internal and external conflict. -
To Much Fun
Kristen began going out to parties, getting involved in drugs and alcohol, and finding herself in terrible situations. At one party she had to much to drink and was taken advantage of by one of her guy friends. He drugged her and attempted to rape her while everyone else was down stairs to drunk to notice. This discouraged her and made her feel very uncomfortable about herself and the people around her. This is another event involving external conflict. -
The Park
Kristen walked to the park one night to think. She sat on the swings staring at the tracks, compensating what her next move would be. Sadly it ended up with her lying down on the tracks in front of a train. If she was going to die, she wanted it to be quick. Thirty- three fraight trains ran over her, but she survived. The train did sever both her legs though; one just above her knee, and other just below. -
Hopsital Stay
Out of the many nights Kristen had stayed in the hospital, she noticed one night that someone had been watching her while she slept. She learned after questioning her nurse about it, that she was considered a danger to herself and needed to be watched. This was when Kristen finally began questioning herself if she had really attempted suicide or not. She had no clear recollection of the event. -
Kristen began seeing a Psychiatrist who helped her remember more about the traumatic night and how to cope with it.Kristen was struggling with the fact that she didn't understand her purpose in life. She believed she was still here for a reason, but could not understand why. Within these counseling sessions, Kristen learned that she did try to attempt suicide and worked to learn more about herself. -
Throughout Kristen's journey to recovery, there were many surgeries in order to correct her legs as much as possible and to make things a little more comfortable. She had only been out of the hospital for a week and she already had to go back to receive another surgery. This surgery would make it easier for Kristen use prostetics and make her more stable. -
Prostetics and Graduation
Kristen deeply wanted to be able to walk for her graduation and she did. Kristen had seen in a catalog a girl wearing prostetic legs and was fascinated by how real they looked. Her parents found a man who was willing to make a pair for Kristen and have them finished in time for her graduation. On the day of her graduation, Kristen was able to walk with the support of two teachers to receive her deploma. The prostetics were not what she had imagined though. They didn't look real and were painful. -
Kristen begins going to a chapel and learns more about God and how selfish she has been. She noticed that all through her depression and recovery, all she was worried about was herself and get taking care of herself so she could get better. That was what everyone was telling her to do, but going to the chapel, talking to the different people there, and knowing she could do more, she sought out to learn more about her faith. She even decided to get rebaptised. The theme begins to develop here. -
The Truth
It wasn't until Kristen had talked to family friend who happened to be a paramedic on duty the night of her accident, that she truelly understood the miracle of her survival. She had been told so many times that she should have been sucked up into the train and killed, but some force had kept her down. God had saved her that night because medically it was impossible. She had lost eight pints of blood. They blocked the streets to make a forty minute drive into eight minutes to save her. -
Reaching You Ministries
After receiving dozens of e-mails from people who had heard her story, that were hurting, lost, hopeless, and depressed, Kristen wanted to figure out a way to help them. "Reaching You" popped into her head and within the next few months, a Web site was set up along with an e-mail account with volunteers ready to assist. At this point in her life, Kristen understood the meaning of her life and worked hard to continue her minitstry. -
Oprah visit
After hearing about Krstien's story, Operah invited her on the show. Kristen explained how she had struggled with depression, faced the sexual abuse, the physical pain of the her legs, and the transition into her new life. She talked about Reaching You Ministries and how she wanted to reach out to others with similar struggles and make a difference in the world. -
The Book
Many people told Kristen that she need to share her story and get it around the world. She finally agreed it would be a good idea to write her book. It was biggest way she could explain her life and get her messege out. Along with her life experience, Kristen includes signs of depression and thoughts of suicide, what people should do if they notice this, how they can help themselves. She also includes ways for teens and young adults to grow in their faith and come closer to God.